Draca & Pyro

Well fans want to play more with guys and so far he has done very little…

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Well because he is not into guys. Why do you think he should do something with guys only if he is naked? Strange thinking…


Well you don’t have a good memory obviously.
He has done things in the past with men.


This can help @jabbath1987 's memory.

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Oh dear, desperation much… :joy: :joy: :wink:

What did he do? I guess wishful thinking again? :grin:

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Pyro grabbed Yuneska’s cock when he was next to him once, and not sure where “things” come into the equation. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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You mean her dildo or strapon? :grin:

Nope, just playful banter, nothing else really, unless your mind is hoping for something I guess. :thinking:


Well it is well know that you two are pretty homophobic, so your comments mean nothing to us.
I spoke with facts, you spoke with irony and depreciation.
And you are one of the reasons queer performers here don’t go further.
Good job!


No I am realistic and don’t do any wishful thinking :grin:

Looks to me he needed something to grab to not fall off the sofa :grin::joy:

By the way it is Radus dick and not Yuneskas :joy:

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I don’t know who is who here just got lucky Pyro’s name lol

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Poor little you and why do have to turn everything into a homophobic agenda? My brother is gay and I am proud to have grown up in Brighton the gay captial of the UK, so nope, check your sensitivities my friend. :man_facepalming:


He is channelling his frustration by blaming others to be homphobic instead of realizing he simply won’t find here what he is looking for…

Yes now you will say to us all your friends are gay too! :sweat_smile:
Tired of this excuse, I have relatives or friends gay so I’m free to throw shade to queer people whenever I want.
No point into going into further discussion with both of you, people can see from the way you reply and comment here on topics what your intentions really are.

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I get his point but you cannot get blood out of a stone and venting your frustrations just because there isn’t enough gay content is 1. sad to see, 2. achieves nothing for the many reasons given before.
But the trouble is that if you point out the obvious then you are labelled and twist the narrative as homophobic.
By the way @Bernie165766 I have said the same comment when men get their tongues out panting and egging two girls to get it on - kind of pathetic and desperate in both examples. :roll_eyes:

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‘‘But the trouble is that if you point out the obvious then you are labelled and twist the narrative as homophobic.’’
That’s literally the homophobe’s excuse lol to say the things they say and try to force their opinion to others.
Also for the other example that you said did Pyro confirmed that what he did was only for the girls? Jesus Christ jumping into conclusions as always.
No guy can have a man to man experience, he must be doing it for the girls around…

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Oh my dear god, please stop this crusade and enjoy your life as you will just grow old and bitter and sad. :heart: And I have sent you a chat message as it is getting silly and personal here.

@jabbath1987’s ‘dead horses’ (I am sure you will know what I mean Jabbath) come to mind here. Notice I said “horses” plural because both sides seem to have one each! :roll_eyes:

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