This is the cat (not sure if it’s ‘Boomer’ or just the smaller one now grown up rather more, since I last saw it at Pasha and Arina’s) at Gabi’s apartment.
I watched it approach its _____ing bowl so it started off, with its back to the camera. Then as you can see, it turned around to face us. I am guessing it loves being on camera and I think we might have a new participant / apartment on the way!!!
In the UK we have something known as ‘cat’s eyes’ on our roads. These are small reflective double studs placed down the middle of our roads so that car headlights can ‘catch’ them at night, in order to see the middle dividing lines in the road.
It is said that the inventor got the idea one night, driving home in the dark and saw the relection of his headlights in the eyes of an actual cat which was moving towards him.
Had the cat been facing the other way, he would have invented the pencil sharpener instead (think about it)!!!
Presumably, it’s the movements on the screen that grab their attention.
Some cats also sneak directly into the picture and sometimes look behind the screen. That’s really funny…
Probably a better answer than mine. Small c___dren can be like this too, totally obsessed with what’s on the TV screen. I remember my son when he was a tiny toddler
Just think, if those cats were in the garden and encountered a squirrel, they’d probably try to chase it. The only thing is, squirrels are very capable of ‘standing their ground’ and can give a nasty bite!