Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

A Ukrainian driver offers Russian soldiers - who are on their way to Kyiv - to tow their tank that has run out of fuel, and to help them to return to Russia :rofl: :rofl:

I have doubts with these talks about to happen. Russia has said, according to some news sources, that people can leave Kiev by way of a safe zone

This shows me that a massive attack might be happening, but it is really hard to tell.


That was one of the preconditions that was refused by Zelensky for the previous talks, there are no preconditions in there latest talks which by the way have just started.

Can you clarify? Maybe I am getting mixed news.

Poutine n’est pas Ă©ternel. Et sa fin est proche. L’Ukraine va entrer dans union europĂ©enne et plus tard dans l’Otan. Poutine voulait moins d’Otan, il aura au final plus d’Otan.

Je croyais que Poutine Ă©tait un trĂšs bon joueur d’échec, mais au final c’est un trĂšs mauvais joueur d’échec.
Sa fin politique est proche

But then who will rise after Putin? I think we often place evil under the name of one man, when it is an ideology that descends time and passes one from another.

Il y a sans doute en Russie des gens intelligents qui ont bien compris que le Russie est un pays plein de ressources, qui pourrait s’en sortir mieux que d’autre Ă©tat. La Russie est un Ă©tat qui possĂšde beaucoup de richesse, gaz, pĂ©trole, diamant, mĂ©taux rare, bois et plus encore. De plus la Russie est un pays trĂšs riche sur le plan culturel. LittĂ©rature, danse, musique, peinture, etc 
 Et le peuple Russe est un peuple formidable. Ils ont besoin d’un vrai dirigeant pacifique qui dĂ©veloppe son pays. Contrairement Ă  ce qui se dit, les EuropĂ©ens aiment bien le peuple russe.


I’ve been following this thread for a few days now and I’m just as appalled at what’s happening as most people are. In my eyes, Putin is a second Adolf Hitler - only more dangerous because he has nuclear weapons. His irrational behavior actually shows that he is putting everything on one card and that if his back is against the wall, he will press the red button so that he does not die alone. This guy has to be stopped by all means before he goes completely nuts.

I agree 100%, but the Russian people must be the ones to fix their political fallacies.

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Oui. Le peuple russe est souverain sur les décisions politique de la Russie. Tout comme le peuple Ukrainien est souverain sur la politique Ukrainieine.

Je partage l’avis de Mohrchi. Poutine est pire qu’Hitler, parce qu’il est en charge des armes nuclĂ©aire.

Je suis pour les Ă©changes entre tous les pays, mais chaque nation dois dĂ©cider de sa conduite politique. Donc j’invite tout les russes Ă  manifester massivement pour destituer son prĂ©sident qui l’ai conduit vers la catastrophe. LA RUSSIE MERITE D’AVOIR UN MEILEUR PRESIDENT. C’est une belle nation.

La Russie a reconnue en 1991 l’indĂ©pendance de l’Ukraine. Elle ne peut pas changer d’avis comme ça, parce que Poutine en Ă  dĂ©cidĂ© autrement. Il faut respecter les accords conclus. Encore une fois, les bons comptes font les bons amis.

Our official position on military invasion:

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Rasputin without the Ras?

Waiting for the outcome of the talks. They are taking their time. I hope that is a good thing.

After that, will we have a ceasefire or will the invasion continue?

This image says it all: Food, a threatening sky, hope, pride, a bright future.


There is a special place in Hell reserved for you Putin.

Johnny FD


Bald and Bankrupt

Leaving Kyiv On A Refugee Train

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IOC deprives Vladimir Poo-teen of Olympic order

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has deprived Vladimir Poo-teen of the Olympic Order he received in 2001 for his contribution to the Olympic movement.

It informs the IOC on Monday on its website.

The Russian president is deprived of order as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The reason for the deprivation is ‘extremely serious breaches of the Olympic ceasefire and other breaches of the Olympic Charter’ by the Russian government.

The Olympic Order is the highest honor bestowed by the IOC on individuals who have made a unique or extraordinary contribution to the Olympic cause through their contribution to the development of the sport.

Poo-teen is not the only one being deprived of the Olympic Order. Several other persons with important functions in the Russian government or leadership receive the same treatment.

Two other people from the Russian government are mentioned on the IOC’s website. They are Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko and Russian chief negotiator Dmitry Kozak.

The IOC announced Poo-teen along with several other news items on sporting sanctions against Russia.

Here the main message was that all Russians and Belarusians should be excluded from international competitions.

The IOC Board of Directors states that due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, all sports federations and organizers of sporting events should exclude the athletes and leaders of the two nations.

If this is not possible for legal or logistical reasons, the sports federations should strive for Russians and Belarusians to act as neutral athletes without national flags, symbols or national anthems.

Russian and Belarussian teams should be banned from any international sporting events until further notice/