Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Sparky. I hate to say this but it is not what lies on top of the ground, but what lies underneath it

The Soledar Salt Mines (also called Artyomsol Salt Mines after the State Enterprise Association Artyomsol that operates the mines) are located in the city/suburb of Soledar in the Bakhmut municipality in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine.

The scale of the mines is vast, with 125 mi (201 km) of tunnels[1] at a depth of 288 m (945 ft),[2] and many of the chambers are 30 m (98 ft) in height.[3] The largest resembles a hangar of about 100 m (330 ft) length and 40 m (130 ft) width and height, and has accommodated soccer matches and the inflation of a hot air balloon.[4]

The temperature underground is constant at 14–15 °C, with 772 mm Hg air pressure and 60% humidity regardless of the time of the year,[5][6] giving rise to claims of healing properties for lung conditions.[7]

Many of the chambers are exquisitely decorated with carvings in the salt rock.[8] There are accommodation areas and even a church.[9]

A particle physics detector, the Artyomovsk scintillation detector, is located in the mine.

Yes iain apparently they are the biggest salt mines in Europe and you can be sure they will pillage what they can from there.

Meanwhile more mixed messages…


More bad news for Russia : German Marder IFV for Ukraine!

Putin Mobilizes Fleet Of Russian Warships & Subs From Black Sea. Could A Fresh Attack On Ukraine Be Imminent Or Is This Development To Protect The Fleet?

I hope that the Barbaric Wagner group are not planning anything for the mines.

More bad news for Russia: The German Scarecrow is gone :joy: :+1:



I think this is good news jabbath because Germany needs to support Ukraine ‘Big Time’ and up to now the German government has not done enough. I have no doubt Germans want an end to this madness sooner rather than later. Kick Russia’s ass OUT of Ukraine A.S.A.P. because it seems Putin will never give up until he has what he wants. This MUST BE stopped and giving the Ukrainians what they need is the only way to show him / tell him… YOU CANNOT WIN THIS.

I bet Putin ‘‘KNOWS’’ he does not stand a chance against NATO especially if a land war begins involving NATO which would decimate Russian f___es very, very quickly ( I pray not) and NUKES is all he has left as a final threat. But he can’t use them because of how the rest of the World would react. This is an unwinnable war for him. So why keep it going? I guess he wants to test the relationship / values the west has for Ukraine. NATO on the other hand is sending a message but it must be stronger! NATO members must sit down and talk about all other options. Germany is the ‘Powerhouse’ of Europe economically and it ‘SHOULD’ once again be very pro-active militarily against these criminals.

Stand together like never before and show Putin WE WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR BULLSHIT… FUCK OFF AND DIE… THIS IS 2023 EUROPE ‘‘NOT 1923’’!!!

Unfortunately Challenger upgrades have been insufficient over the past decade but given that Russia is fighting an analogue war in a digital age, this should not become an impediment.

I hope that the German government finally gives up their concerns about supplying Leopard II tanks before it’s too late. Unfortunately, it looks like we won’t get a better alternative even after Lambrecht’s resignation. Here, apparently, the Secretary of Defense is not chosen based on qualifications. Rather, the government is concerned with maintaining the quota of women within the government, regardless of whether someone is suitable for the office or not.

Hopefully they will finally wake up in Berlin!

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Biden first has to give Scholz a kick in the ass again :see_no_evil:

Challenger2 should be superior against any garbage the Russians are using :joy:

йобані росіяни, йдіть до пекла. це все, що я хочу сказати.


Та ні, так ділу не допомогти, я як тільки в Дніпро прилетіло задонатив пану Притулі на зґвалтування чмобіків, от так потрібно на помсту :wink:
According to the military administration, there are 5 dead and 38 wounded, 7 kids at the present time.
Clearing the rubble will last all night

Patroling Ukranian Soldiers Show Battle Aftermath

Canada to buy 88 F-35A while Russian jets fail to get buyers!!

Rishi Sunak to send Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine

What KAZAKHS think about RUSSIANS

Lieutenant General Mark Hertling Says Putin’s Doomsday Is Coming!

Jeez it’s bad when VHTV find a way to push our freedom of speech away in general discussion so that it doesn’t appear on the main news feed forum. WHY? do you not like the truth? Do you not like reality?

Bored Blah Blah Blah GIF