Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Russian soldiers caught on camera k__ling Ukrainian civilians

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Russian battalion loses armoured vehicles in failed river crossing


oops! get the tractors ready:laughing:

Getting better and better, i like a good laugh every now and then :+1:

This was published one week ago but I just heard on LBC news something is happening in Moscow tonight. A possible coup against Putin with a senior Russian general tonight describing Putin as a sick man both mentally and physically. The same general went on to say the war must stop NOW! Additionally Russia is allegedly preparing it’s first war crimes case against one of it’s own soilders. Let’s wait and see what will happen.

Lets all hope it is true and happens quickly.:+1:

Luhansk region: Russians destroy 50 houses a day

wessel de jong @wesselNOS

Zaterdagochtend Kiev, leeg stil, het leven in een stad waarvan meer dan de helft van de bewoners gevlucht is.

More and more people are going back every day Stinky and almost normal here.

Many dictators believed themselves to be untouchable and immortal. Among the most recent, we remember : Hitler, Mussolini, Staline,Kadhafi,Saddame Hussein, Ceaucescu,Bokassa, Idi Amin Dada, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong…
They disappear but there’s always a fool waiting his turn!

Alexander Khrebet/Олександр Хребет @AlexKhrebet

People’s Friendship Arch in Kyiv finally got a new proper name. It is now called the Freedom of the Ukrainian People Arch.

Lesia Vasylenko @lesiavasylenko

#Russia interrogates c___dren in #Mariupol trying to get them to testify on the ‘Ukrainian’ resilience activities of their parents.

In Russia, they have started recruiting all men between 18 and 27 as conscripts and they are aiming to sign up 134,500 conscripts this spring.

Many young Russian males are trying to avoid this conscription and under Russian law, men can refuse to join the military and seek alternative service — such as shifts at post offices, nursing homes and hospitals — for religious, ethical or political reasons, but these exemptions can be changed under war conditions.

The first to go will be the unemployed, which could account for a significant portion of the Russian male participants on VHTV and I wonder when we start to see the males on VHTV in a nurse’s costume. :wink:

Recruitment drafts happen every year and it’s mandatory for 18-27 year old men to do 12 months service with some of the exceptions applicable that you have posted

This current decree was signed at the end of the March and has been running from 1st of April and due to end 15th of July

The total number of recruitment is not surprising either as it’s the same ball park figure as the last 3 years

Which goes totally against Putin’s promise of no conscripts in Ukraine and I wonder if Troy has been caught up in this? Wild supposition on my part but you never know.

Troy will rather leave the country than go to the army.

Might do him some good to lose some of that podge. :wink:

We all know conscripts have been in this war as they was certainly there at the beginning
All I’m saying is Russia recruiting conscripts is nothing new they do it twice every single year In Spring and Autumn and have been doing so long before this invasion on Ukraine