Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Rula Jebreal @rulajebreal

The European Parliament has voted in favor of an immediate embargo on Russian gas and oil by an overwhelming majority.


I heard :Full coal embargo applicable in August.

How will be Ukraine in August?

These things are pretty bad ass. Can attack even very high flying bombers and aircraft. Very capable. One of these shot down a F117 stealth fighter in the war NATO vs. Serbiaā€¦

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Is this you throwing shade? Or is this a legit question?

Hate must not be combated by hate.

Banishing Russian participants is useless. It is not by banishing them that they will take a gun to get rid of the tyrant.

On the other hand, of course, if participants who would display hostile hatred for other peoples especially Ukrainian, or who would support these criminals would be banished immediately.

I donā€™t agree with what Putin is doing at all. I donā€™t mean to spark controversy by saying this, to be clear I do not support Putinā€™s actions..

I do not look at Putin any different than I look at the west. They are all the same and have done the same s__t Putin is now doing.

If we really had that attitude of saying fuck them all, the world would be full of hate and would always be in war.

Do someone know if does Wagner Group participate to the Ukrainian invasion?

This fascist group is known for its abject practices in particular in Africa (Mali, Central African Republic,ā€¦)and I believe it is directly managed by Putin to do dirty operations.

I heard about Chechen militia group as well . Kadyrov is no better than his mentor .

Replacing the windscreen of your car with a bullet proof one :+1: :ukraine: :+1:

It is a bit hypocritical of the west (mainly America) for condemning invasion - the Iraqi war was ā€œmanufacturedā€ on the premise of the so-called WMD. But the targeting of civilians with labelled missiles (assuming they werenā€™t labelled after the fact) is more worthy of global condemnation even by the not-so-innocent. They have gone beyond the realms of normal military conduct.

America and its allies has a long of war crimes themselves (namely the Dresden/Tokyo firebombings and the dropping of the nukes). But it could be argued that such heinous acts were carried out against an aggressor and helped aid a quicker end to a b___dy and costly war. Though regrettable, the loss of civilian life was a by-product of ousting m____rous dictators. A means to an end. The same cannot be said here. Ukraine was not cleansing a population nor were they attacking neighbouring states. The Russian response was (largely) unprovoked and draws parallels to the Axis statesā€™ thirst for regional domination from 80 years ago. The war is obviously not going the way they like, so they see civilian attacks as a way to punish the innocent who have no right to be punished, and f___e Ukraine to cave in to the demands of a ruthless dictator. Deplorable.

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Good thought. But thatā€™s out the F-ing window isnā€™t it. JMO but you have to have teeth to accomplish that. Some assbag will always disagree with the standards they are trying to put up.

They should apply to all assholes. Even the one who cry pay meā€¦ Poor me and my family. Should be kicked off like the other participants who post nonsense were. JMO>

Perhaps not but that reasoning is being sorely tested now i would have thought.

They wouldnā€™t have the guts to say anything, much too comfortable in their nicely heated apartments and being well fed.

Well, one participant did speak out, defending Putinā€™s actions. He was kicked off VHTV immediately. As for the other Russian participants, if I were in their shoes, Iā€™m not sure iā€™d dare to risk 15 years in prison (not a nice western European one, but a Russian one)) by speaking out against the war and itā€™s instigator.

Edit: Weā€™re all nicely and safely sitting behind our computers and smartphones without having to worry about police, secret service, prison or worse. Itā€™s pretty easy to judge and condemn those who arenā€™t as free as we are to use their voices.


So just turn the other way and ignore it eh, admittingly it is a problem but ignoring whatā€™s happening is just condoning it.
We have a saying in UK, ā€œiā€™m alright jack, fuck anybody elseā€

Good job the rest of the world arenā€™t ignoring it then or else Ukraine would be wiped off the face of the earth.

All I have to say is if any free country really dose have UFOā€™s now is the time to use themā€¦ :slight_smile:

Is this more propaganda or real? You decide.

Russians against Kremlin. Soldiers captured in Ukraine gather to fight against Putin regime

I wish it were true, but unfortunately I donā€™t believe it at all