Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

WW2 Weapons Used in Ukraine War

All eyes on this. One of Putin’s best friends and a person who has been shifting Hungary away from EU values. Tough to be ousted today, but fingers crossed.
Additionally, there is referendum on this terrible law, gay ban in education or whatever it’s called, which I hope will be refused by people.

Hungary has a choice, either towards Russian regime values or towards EU values.

This is of real interest to people here in Poland as well as if PĂ©ter Marki-Zay wins then it will cause a lot of problems for the ruling party here. :slight_smile:

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Fully agree. The only difference, is that in Poland they have clear supportive position to Ukraine, while Hungarian guy is all the way with Putin under the table.

I am more referring to the Polish government’s antagonistic attitude towards the EU, which repeatedly has been supported by the Hungarian government, if they lose power it will cause a lot of problems for the Polish government.

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From what I understand what is being reported in the British press is that the UK wants to send more lethal weapons including anti ship missiles and other lethal weapons for defence but Emanuel Macron believes that NATO should wait until Putin crosses another line even though there is enough evidence now and building daily about his War Crimes.

They can relax now. He is staying for another 4 years :roll_eyes:

Another four years of hypocritical anti-homosexual laws, suppression of the free press, causing troubles within the EU, oh, I forgot, sucking Putin’s cock. :angry:

As a pacifist and liberal thinker, I felt empathy towards the Russian soldiers being k__led in their thousands as cannon fodder, but after seeing the aftermath of the Russian soldiers’ occupation in the north of Kyiv where they r__ed t_____ed, and m____red civilians, they can go and rot in the fields of Ukraine.

They don’t deserve any empathy and each and every one of these soldiers is guilty by association. This will only enrage the Ukrainian f___es and rightly so to obliterate each Russian they come across in battle.

This information must be made available to the Russian people so they can decide upon their own future.

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The UK blocked Russia’s attempt to convene an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on the provocation in Bucha. Russia wants to show that all that has happened in Bucha was staged by Ukrain.
By blocking this meeting, they are giving Putin more power to convince the Russian people that they are the good guys.

Yes that was a stupid act by the UK. :rage:

I came across an uploaded YouTube video this morning from Russia today where they got a so-called US expert to reject the idea of war crimes - so I decided to check this so-called expert and it turns out that he is a registered sex offender in the US called Scott Ritter - so Russia are really desperate to dismiss this even trying to make people beieve in the word of a registered sex offender.

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And I am ashamed about the German Secretary of Defense. She is just super awkward. Told the Ukrainians they can’t have our old Marder APCs because they are needed by NATO. Reality is they are not used at all anymore. We already have the new Puma in operation.

It’s a shame how Germany behaves at the moment. :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Maybe someone should ask her why Slovakia and the Czech Rebuplic are sending their old APCs to Ukraine if NATO needs them so deperate?

She just has no clue of anything. Look how she looks sitting in an tank :rofl: :rofl:

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Suppose anyone is stupid sitting in a tank waiting to be blown up and roasted :rofl:

Absolutely shocking :sob:

“Mass graves” and “hundreds of bodies” found near Kyiv

Es ist eine UnverschĂ€mtheit was der Ukrainische PrĂ€sident und der Botschafter von Deutschland ĂŒber Deutschland sagen,wenn es nach mir gehen wĂŒrden gebe es gar keine Waffen mehr!

They are totally right what they say. Right now the behavior of Germany is awkward and we should be ashamed of it.