The Putin Generation: He Is Sent to the Front, She Takes to the Streets
A young Russian woman in Siberia is protesting Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Her fiancé, meanwhile, has been called up to fight against their neighboring country. DER SPIEGEL accompanied them and is sharing their chats since the start of the war – messages that show their anger and desperation.
Too many victims are being created by the actions of one man. Seems to be a common theme with Russian leaders and Putin is just repeating what Stalin did albeit on a smaller scale.
I remember when we learned about Stalin and Hitler and all the rest of them in history class. We were thinking: Why didn’t people stood up to them? Why did nobody do anything? We are now That people. And I now know that it is not that easy. Future generations will think of us as being stupid and lazy. And they would be right.
Ukraine has lost at least 74 tanks—destroyed or captured—since Russia widened its war on the country starting the night of Feb. 23.
But Ukraine has captured at least 117 Russian tanks, according to open-source-intelligence analysts who scrutinize photos and videos on social media.
In other words, the Ukrainian army might actually have more tanks now than a month ago—all without building a single brand-new tank or pulling some older vehicle out of storage.
Thanks for posting - a very interesting video. Been to Russia a few times. It is vast and beautiful with people who on the whole are positive, fun loving and friendly. They are rich in resources and have a fantastic history and culture. They have everything to be one of the greatest countries in the World, save for one thing, they so often have tyrannical leadership. If only they, the people, realized what they could be…
Most of their leaders have always seemed to have the view that the west is against them and that they need to have strong defences against the west. It must be ingrained in many of their leaders DNA as in truth the west couldn’t give a s__t about Russia as long as they live and exist in peace.
Nobody wants to invade or attack them but just to exist peacefully alongside like all other country’s exist together.
Whether they will ever learn god knows, but their philosophy ain’t doing them much good now is it?
Let’s be honest. If we stand up now there might not be future generations. JMO, but when we get rid of this mad man the world needs to get rid of all Nuclear Weapons’ so this never happens again. Conventional war is bad enough and always will be.
I suppose you could say that Germany in 1941 was from the West, but I agree - Putin is a relic from the early 20th century, a dinosaur. Hopefully his fate will be the same!
Sadly Nato can’t be relied on for back up if Chemical weapons are used. What the hell is going on.
Being part of the nato armed f___es one of the most important things taught was the support against the use of certain weapons as far as iam concerned they just gave putin the green light too use them.
Iam totally disgusted by this decision as I think of the meny armed f___es that have spent fighting other people who used such weapons.
In my opinion NATO have cowchowed down to a person as bad as other tiranic dictatorships
So many people have lost there lives on both sides. Time to stop this now and NATO to get there backbone back
It’s very easy to say that and i do appreciate what you are saying but the west is just s__t scared that mad fucker in Russia will start using nuclear weapons if the west interferes.
Then the west would no doubt retaliate and hey presto,goodbye world.
In truth Ukraine is just being used as a sacrificial lamb which is too sad to even think about.