Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

@jabbath1987 Are you able to move the spam comments to special thread so they stop locking this one up? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure they won’t cry about it :rofl:

That is what I am already doing. But when people report them system locks the topic.

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

I think there is someone behind this if you get what I mean and I suggest removing that comment my friend if they know that info we are going to have a lot of locked threads everywhere, or just remove it from the system as it is causing more problems than it’s worth. :frowning:

That IB blocker would be so damn useful, we used to have one for our forums and you just went into the admin panel and saw a person’s IP related to their account and block it and it took 20 secs to do. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think this is a bespoke forum isn’t it i.e. it’s not taken from a template?

I don’t think it will be so bad. The spam is basically always the same. But thanks for your advice. I will pay attention. (More than usual already :joy: )

I was never having a go at you, you big girl’s blouse. :laughing:

Lol I don’t know that saying but coming from you I am sure it is either nice or funny :wink: :joy:

All meant in the best possible respect though. :slight_smile:

Ahahhaha never heard that before :wink:

Voici ce que vient de poster sur instagram Nina (pour ceux qui se demande ce que pense les participants Russes.)

Traduction : non non des mots simples non non
9 ans de haute sécurité
verdict sur Alekei Navalny

She should be careful with what she is doing there…
I know the girls position. That is why I would prefer them to change the country. Especially with a c___d soon

elle m’avait dit pourtant qu’elle utiliserait plus Instagram.

You are welcome to your opinion.

A few had signs No war. One made a sign and went out to protest. Thankfully she made it back with out being arrested. So yes some have said they do not support this. But 15 years in prison is a great deterrent against speaking out when you are that young and have no real bearing on life yet.

欧洲现在应该不要在俄罗斯购买石油和天然气了 否则就是在给俄罗斯输血

easy to say this from the comfort of your sofa

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

I did not offer you an opinion in my response, I was just letting you know straight up!

I would not entertain racial dialogue on this forum. Point, blank period!

So let’s move along.

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