Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

China says it’s fake news according to the BBC

China will think twice before doing that.

Xi might be as mad as Putin.

Can’t take him serious he looks like Winnie-the-Pooh :rofl::rofl:

Maybe thats why he will do it, sick of the west comparing him to a fictional bear :rofl:

Well if Mrs Cigarette is Oopel she must have seriously increased her english language talent as i can understand Mrs Cigarette :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So mrs cigarette is the return of the legendary Amy :rofl::rofl:

Nah, to be fair to that crazier mofo, their English wasn’t bad

Well i read today that India is crawling up Putins ass now?
So l am not surprised seeing as though they keep most of their popuation living in s__t conditions whilst sending up satellites.
You couldn’t make it up really could you? :rage:

Fuck knows pal you know as much as i do i expect…fuckall :rofl:

Ukraine Weapons Tracker


#Ukraine: A open top BMW 6 series with a NSV 12,7x108 heavy machine gun mounted - is not something you see everyday.

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Wrong Mr (just in) and would say hello just for old days on CamCaps, because obviously my friend @Dave27 ) still had known me so much! And he’s just make little humor withThe ex priest! (By the way) the last thing i could do or think to doing is made my The ex priest as the target to me!Oyee, at least i have many work in my agenda is so important than care of what current Mr (moments operator, and what’s his doing! He’s in low level than even i could hardly get look to him! :yum::hugs:
But your a somely correct about in relationship among me and Amy! Even i can say i had not met with Amy for long time! But what is betweena us is too strong even when didn’t agree in all thing such as a (political topics) ! Such as any friends we have our difference! Totally as opposite that relationship who had between the (ex Priest) And Amy who had poisoning by some snakes around someone of them!oh as always with no hard feelings) ! See ya in Parallel Universe With all love​:rose::heart:

I stopped reading Mrs.Cigarette’s posts very early on and scrolled past the rest. I think its a mixture of really, really bad English, dyslexia, aphasia and taking someone else’s medication.

I also think I heard the U.S.A. say that they would impose sanctions on China if they helped Russia.

KyivPost @KyivPost

People of South Korea support #Ukraine during rallies, provide #Ukraine with humanitarian and financial aid.

Also in South Korea people support Ukraine. There is no way Putin can win this.

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Ukrainian family split by war following Russian invasion

This woman we all saw and gave birth to a baby earlier last week, has died. The baby is also dead.


Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate.

Just holding a blank piece of paper will get you arrested in Putins Russia. Novosibirsk:

I saw this earlier…