I really liked Beverley and Hugo, but people change and move on and that’s fine but it would be nice to see more of Beverley
@ToreyK Is this wild enough for you?
@ToreyK Or maybe this
Gets a 5 out of 10 on the Wildness Scale
7 out of 10
On his Winter Wildness Scale might not even get a 5
After the small BDSM test, Kimora wanted to do her first client. Some kind of headache changed her mind.
Now the curly head has collected his savings
Luckily they have syringes at Dexter’s place
Wonder where the gorgeous Louise is.or are they even still together?
Hi Rob, yep that’s the one, instantly switchoffable for me anyway👍
Kimora getting fucked by some random client….

So Mistress Kimora is actually not mistress but like femdom sex…. I thought she is Dominatrix and hard to get… but sad so see for this sex she needed some injection…
Pretty much Yeh, but he has had his fair share of knock backs too.He had a girlfriend Louise but I dunno if she’s still around.IMO his success rate with women came purely because he was a manager, he could put a roof over their heads for instance and in return we’ll you know the rest.To my knowledge though he was never nasty or abusive to them which is a plus.
So Louise was also participant before…?
Was good to see old faces in there. Beverly, Alan, Sam, George…
I hope Nina also visit next time with Alan… he will not feel alone…
And Ilka !
She would often appear with him at his various Apt’s stay overnight maybe, get involved sometimes but I don’t think she was ever a participant/tenant.
PS:I’m leaving myself wide open here to the more shall we say"more knowledgeable one’s among us".
It could just be medicine, I’ve seen it done in quite a few realms if there’s someone poorly. On saying that it wouldn’t surprise me if it was something else though
P.S. thanks for the change in your pictures I’m enjoying looking at them now
No. Just guest at several places in Particular Alan & Nina’s . She’s a So stunning