Dexter & Kelly

One thing m sure about these girls that Dexter definitely picked up them from some **** house…:thinking: look at their body language…

@ToreyK She is hooked :rofl: All of them love this boy :smiling_imp:

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@ToreyK What about a threesome ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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se la scopera’ la bionda :shushing_face:

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They all are clinging on each other… and by looking these girls I figured out why Dexter bring them…. These kid is trying on every girl… Don’t care who fuck who like we can stop them from fucking…. If they want to they already fucked each other offcam…. as we know them when they all are oncam… what they do offcam… we don’t know…:sweat_smile: so…:sleeping:

S__te, she just went out with Dexter, hope she`s coming back :thinking:

He went to drop her to her club….:rofl: just kidding she will come back….

Man, why you are the only one who can`t see why girls/women love this kid/boy? He has a perfect body, face, dick and bonus he is a very good fucker. That is soo easy to see.

Okay u enjoy this kid show… :+1:t2:

I might be missing something, but the only one i have seen girls/women clinging on is this Mathias :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl:

Seems kimora will receive the summer bonus… Hope it doesn’t go from the chuck&chloe contest reward :joy: :joy:



This is gonna piss you off like nothing else before :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anything can piss me off only for one time… after that nothing matter to me cause when I don’t like things I ignore that realm…:sunglasses:

da dove cazzo e’ sbucata questa :+1:


Look like mistress on work…:+1:t2::sweat_smile:

I been there with Jazmin and the junkie Ryder, i know the feeling :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He is another lucky guy who fuck mistress Kimora… other than Drake… Until now only Drake and Dexter fucked her….