Dexter & Kelly

At 23:55:30, Kora gets a phonecall and she has to stop Mathias. And throughout the conversation, Mathias seems to have a coy smile on his face.

Could anyone who understands the language tell me what is being said on the phone?

I would love to know…

Try the app “Say Hi”. It is available for Android and iOS…

Is the language Russian or Ukrainian?

The app doesn’t seem to be able to pick up audio very well :frowning:

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Language is Russian. You have to crank the volume really up as the cams mics are really not good.

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Does Emily or Kira still visit here

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Not seen by me but Kelly will know of their whereabouts.

Thanks for the reply

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:slightly_smiling_face: the movie started


shy guest, (male)

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Ohh Kalani… but with shy person? We already see Kalani the rest once a month, but is it like this now? :rage: :rage: :rage:

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how sad this male guest, always covering himself


@Dexter_Kelly No Kimora, No Kenia, No Tayla, No Beverly and Now there’s Kalani and like this… This house used to be so much better with these guests, especially Kimora :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Mathias power :boom::boom::boom:

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Deva wasn’t “active”, was she?

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