Dexter & Kelly

she allways laughing and doing nothing at the end…only say porno or orgy and if drake fucks her it would be enough for her he could handlle her but allways only tease and doing strong on cam for doing nothing only seeing her underwear :slight_smile:

@ToreyK they left for offline action :wink:

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A waste of Vodka and Belomor Kanal.

They looked so _____ that if they can cross the road safely it’s good enough…


Never heard it before :rofl:

Here is another version:

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You had to do it didn’t you :rofl: now tory will be ranting like fuck, oops sorry I have blocked his posts and didn’t see he already started :rofl:

FFS Mathias, you supposed to be the Macho man, Adonis, the one that makes any women wet in an instant, how am i going to defend this when @ToreyK is going to find out? :thinking: :thinking:


I agree with you! But now they have started chaturbating (or some sort of pay per view) and all the love is gone, just for money. A great pity. They were a great couple to watch but alas no more!

Cam 12 down.

I wish Kamelia would throw away her makeup. She is fortunate enough not to need it imho.

I kind of feel sorry for Kamelia, Elena came and claimed her territory in an instant

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I can`t really blame Mathias much :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Didn’t stay long I notice.

Yeah, Kamelia can have it just for herself now :wink:


@ToreyK that`s some big cannons for you :wink: :wink:

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Who is she…? :fire::fire:

Don`t know, never seen her, Mathias is there for her :fire: :fire: :fire: :heart_eyes:

he fucked her in bedroom….:man_facepalming:t2: not my type girl now……:sweat_smile:

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And she has her period??? :smirk::smirk:

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