Dexter & Kelly

Hello everyone, Dexter and I were visiting, we are very happy with the trip and we want to share this mood with you :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


This kiss is for you :kissing_closed_eyes:


@Dexter_Kelly it looks that you have some nice parks in Russia.

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I’m wondering what the real time is the one given by VHTV or the one on Dexter’s T.V.? :thinking: :joy:

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Their TV remained on winter time and they forgot to adjust it to daylight savings time.
Same thing happens with my oven


T.V.'s usually change automatically must be a cheap model, :thinking: c’mon Dexter splash some cash for a newer model :rofl: :rofl:

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What did you do @ToreyK . h___otise Mathais
he s not done anything in a few days.was even in the tub with K and no action :upside_down_face:

I saw on preview bar…:sweat_smile::joy:

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Better than nothing I suppose :heart_eyes:


Wow! Thanks) we’ve added everything to our new playlist :kissing_closed_eyes:

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We are insanely glad that our playlist is being updated with such wonderful compositions!
Together with you we will be able to put together a playlist of dreams :smiling_imp:
Thank you for your feedback💕

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Can you add Metallica - The Unforgiven and Tiamat - Cain :wink::+1:

Holy crap I’ll have to put this realm on mute when I visit, I’ve never heard so much crap music in all my days :rofl: but I suppose that’s why we have all sorts of different music, everybody’s taste is different. :grin:

Well I like it. :wink::+1:

I really like ‘K’ as she is rather more reserved than most and therefore more credible. She has a glorious arse 164130 cam 12. I hope we see more of her.

Is that what you mean? :heart: :heart_eyes:

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Right on. An arse to die for imho.

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led zeplin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, REO :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

REO never heard of them unless it has Speedwagon after it :grin: