Dexter & Kelly


@ToreyK , hey love boy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:

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Fuck….:man_facepalming:t2::rofl::rofl::rofl: again this kid…

yeah I put in a request .to add him to the realm. Permanent lover boy 'ha’ha
should be done by tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Happy Jeff Goldblum GIF by


Torey’s putting in the same request as we speak :grin:

john c reilly what a bunch of aholes GIF

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I changed my mind. For a while I doubted my powers of observation. I spent hours recording their crack use in the toilet. They have stopped.

It’s not because a moderator gets a signal from a member and then has to anticipate tough (does he know how this apartment works?)

Do I need to interpret the above clip as the birthday party of a man with a red hood (is it a man? or an unfounded assumption) It was his bottle that uncorked, I’m sure of that. The girls were inspecting their lingerie in the mirror to wish him a happy birthday. :wink:

I understand that a word cannot be used. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Curious if those who fell over the x-word, are also against hard slapping, gagging and rough hair pulling - I am.

I will keep my manners, but I will not doubt my observation capacity.

Hi, you are a lovely couple.
It‘s possible, to communicate?
I would be pleased about an answer.
With love from Heidelberg, Germany


Dudes night in tonight :frowning_face:

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@ToreyK Just look how they react when seen him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_imp:

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Fuck this Mathias….:man_facepalming:t2::joy::joy: don’t worry Kimora is also here he can have her now…:smirk:

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I wasn`t really thinking you wanna go that far :thinking: :thinking: :rofl:

Tayla will have trouble s___p straight :joy:

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Hi, what’s up?)
I’m waiting for you in our telegram channel there will be a link to personal messages :two_hearts:

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Is this you checking if Mathias is here? I can tell you he left with Kimora earlier :+1:

He’s banging her offcam :stuck_out_tongue:

He has already banged her on camera lol it a quick one but he did in the guest room

Yeah I know.was just Being sarcastic :stuck_out_tongue:
Still waiting for the hot blonde :smile: