Dexter & Kelly

That’s really scary…. imagine if something bad happen as it is completely packed… only you can use your mouth for breath with the help of pipe…:cold_sweat:

Fuck, Mathias is on this one as well :open_mouth: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I think they are removing extra air so that it can completely packed without air…:face_with_peeking_eye:

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Yeah, was full of air between her legs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_imp:

@ToreyK There you go :astonished: :astonished:

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It’s not so much being in there, it’s the not being able to move and that two touching you

Disgusted Steve Carell GIF

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She got scared :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Disgusted Jim Carrey GIF

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That’s not cannon …. that’s Bazooka…:sweat_smile::rofl:

Damn, @ToreyK . How would you like to s___p with those pillows :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Right down your alley :laughing:

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Im sure here would find a way
motorboat GIF

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Monsters Inc Fainting GIF by Disney Pixar

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Sorry I’m not into all this BDSM. They don’t need a vacuum bed, all they need is that woman with the massive tits, put your face in those would be enough to s_______e you!!!:rofl:

Unless she was wearing a bra then fuck that, if she turned over quick at night she could knock you fucking u_________s :rofl:

I see Mathias stand by option for sex waits in the wings in case everything else falls through :joy:



Getting ready for a shift at the Go-Go dance club :rofl: :rofl:
london dancing GIF by ladypat

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