Dexter & Kelly

So why did she needed to hide? :thinking:

It was maybe him trying to hide his little dick :rofl: :rofl: Remember we’re here to observe not interfere

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Nope, was her. He didn`t give a fuck about cams from the moment they came into the bedroom half an hour before it happen. He tried to fuck her on cams in the bed but she said no, even if she was laughing at his hard on. they kept talking a lot and he was clinging on her non stop but she resisted. Then they went in the bathroom in the blind spot for 5 min, after they came back into the bedroom and all started. When they finished she went straight on the phone to see the forum and her face changed in a instant when she see it. She showed to him and he was laughing, she was livid.

Been there done that got the T-shirt, I was interfering once in a relationship of certain participants and after I thought ‘What the fuck is it to do with me’ so I stopped and let them carry on. Just ask yourself the question and have a little think about it. :+1: I’m done

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You are 100% right, its nothing to do with us. Let`s move on :hugs:


The only pussy Dexter is getting i hope :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He already had the other one … under blankets on her first visit before “the kid” put his dick there… And didn’t had more because his pussy boss arrived

So she isn’t very smart right?? Even if the cover had worked perfectly, just the fact that she did it shows what she did, ask Torey as he knows how it works.
Was she expecting?? na na na i didn’t do nothing, show me the cams :joy:

It’s all staged

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So the fine for covering cams is smaller than the money from 30min-1h views? Doesnt make sense to me, maybe i dont get how it works :thinking:

But it’s not only that 30h-1h views… it’s all the buzz around the situation that will keep the views there expecting to see more, they are professional cam workers. They (the group) had already “fights” there for fake cheats on cams, and was directly translated

You have the other example of views after: Why do you think that the r____ts weren’t kicked out after the suppose “big” fine??

AFAIK the fine for guests covering cams in 100$. Participants pay more :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hello) her name is Eva


@jabbath1987 you get that


I never realised you had her until I heard her singing this morning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You know I thought about that too and maybe she was feeling guilty at the same time I think she did want to but because her boyfriend had been fucking her lately because if you go back and watch all of Tristan‘s archive videos you would see that he starts out being into a girl and then Allison he’s not into that girl that much anymore and a girl stars fuck another guy which he knows about because it happened to him when he first became a participant a while back

Added her :wink:

Hey there you should ask @VHTV_James to get participant status :wink:

She wasn’t singing, she was saying ‘‘smoke a joint Geroge .spoke a joint George’’ :parrot:
The story behind that is I once bought a very smart parakeet .that came from a pot home
His name was George. and they would get him high…true story :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@ToreyK Looks like Dexter is really looking after you, look what he`s got there just for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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