Derek & Gina

Cant stop shaking my head with all this Love Bug Drama V & G have going on. :rofl:


Oops :see_no_evil:

@Edrym_Roza This is the correct cam position


She is so clingy. Feel sorry for the guy.

What a :fire: welcome back party :hot_face: especially Gina Roza and Verona :heart_eyes:
Adam Sandler GIF

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Gewisse cams sind aber echt schlecht platziert

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Scared On Fire GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

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Season 4 Group GIF by Friends

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And again. Very good camera work.



Don’t expect anything to be corrected… Out of 4 living room cams two are useless…

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I guess the cameras take after the participants of the realm… :yawning_face:

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I disagree. They could have selected an apartment before which doesn’t have these problems. Remember good cam setup starts with the selection of the apartment already.

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That’s correct. However, we were talking about the current situation and what can be improved.

Well it’s pointless as manager is just ignorant as we know

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I suspect Edrym installed the cameras. He was also responsible for that in the old apartment.

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It doesn’t matter who installed the cameras. It could have been me or you as well.

The manager has the saying on the placements and angles.

Do you mean the porn, web cam and escort company?

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I have a feeling this one is going to be an issue as well, simply because of the shower cubicle door which I suspect will be closed every time a cute guy (including Derek) uses it. :frowning:

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Varona and mini party


Good Luck to Your new Realm !! :clinking_glasses: :two_hearts: