Derek & Gina

What is the purpose of cam5? :thinking:

Gives a nice view of the apartment’s floor though :innocent:

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I think camera 5 It would be better where I put 2 blue lines

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Hidden Loggia?

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Welcome back Derek and Gina :hugs:

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Was the same in old apartment and they were hiding there for hours.

My thought as well. I wonder when spring and summer arrive a camera will be placed there?

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Not a chance. As you can easily check, none of the related apartments do have a loggia camera. It is the norm for this manager

It was just a thought.

I can only remember one apartment to have one. That was Edrym & Roza’s first apartment

yea your absolutely right it was and will be bulls__t once th weather warms up

Might be better in the loggia

Another thing where VHTV does not use the same standards for each manager… :roll_eyes:


Their manager is completely ignorant when it comes to improvements of cam positions or even adding new ones. Look at the s__tty cam setup at Nikkis place.


Welcome back

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I remember in derek & ginas last apt they would spend hours&hours in the loggia it seems to be like a safe room or a voyeur free room which which is not in line with the whole point of vhtv can anythig be done about it ???or is it a lost cause

You can report that to support. But I can’t promise anything will be done. The fact that they still do it shows they either do not care about fines or did not get any.


Conspiracy theories about Roza’s look please :laughing: