Dennis & Eleanor

Secure place at VHTV … :thinking:

I suppose that was a previous account

I don’t know if there is a new one but that one looks like it doesn’t exist anymore on CB.

As we also say in the UK, none so strange as folk :joy:

What an odd name for a broadcast platform. It’s almost like an advert for a _____able camera! :thinking: :confounded:

Ahahahha :joy: :joy: :joy:

Or the traditional (presumably northern) version “there’s nowt as queer as folk”. I think that one isn’t used so much now though.

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Admittingly you quoted it far more accurately than me but i was thinking of our foreign friends lol.
But think it still applies whether north or south even if it is a northern saying.
After:all “queer” could upset some people :wink:

Yes, although the ‘Q word’ is now used quite commonly even by gay people themselves (nowadays especially by them, in fact), personally I still don’t like it and would never use it to describe myself, even though I am definitely part of the LGBTQ+ community. :rainbow_flag:


I would describe you with a “Q” and a “P”…Quality & Politeness :two_hearts:

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You sir, are a gentleman (and possibly a scholar).

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One does try and do ones best but occasionally a little set back occurs :wink: :joy:


I can certainly relate to that, I can assure you! :slight_smile:

Maybe we all can.

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:wink: At CB, according to the profile, everyone always seems shy, new … young-friendly and from cities in Europe or the USA.

Sometimes (very rarely) there are also the other extremes, where the persons are allegedly nympomaniac permanent sex lovers with constant change of partners. .

My bedroom… :smirk:

Someone had a wet dream … :joy:

There has been no update that shows this. Could she not just have been packing for the relocation?

It could be a lot … but the probability is another thing …

Haven’t you noticed @jabbath1987 is the one that announces things of that nature, so that was an unofficial notice of Eleanors status for now. When the relocation is cleared up it may be formally released to the content updates.

He is not the only one to do those types of things. When someone leaves the project it is added to the updates section. The fact that he made the announcement that Eleanor left the project, but it still hasn’t been added to the updates and the realm’s name has not changed I found a bit odd.