It is not the dog, that is the problem, it is the “adults”, it has been alone for 21 hours, it had to s___p the whole time, they should not have a dog at all when they are almost always away from the apartment.
En kan Eleanor geen ongelijk geven ik zou er ook niet mee kunen lachen .
Maar toch een klein beetje orde hebben zou ook helpen .
Want Kratos kan die spijkerbroek niet uit de kast hebben gehaald
Well, not really from the wardrobe, but from a bag
were they worn, therefore carried her odor?
If Dennis cared more about his dog than his cock, this wouldn’t happen!
As he doesn’t have a job anymore, his cock is the money maker now, well, at least that’s what he believes
Rented cock business
I am Glad Kratos it’s ok They have to be more responsible Kratos was bark all day alone… properly not food or water… Thank you !!
well done dennis, clean eveywhere properly
У него всегда в миске есть еда и вода )
A dog needs more than food and water!
A dog needs exercise, entertainment, someone to take care of it.
If you don’t have time for that, you should find him a family that will give him what he needs!
Totally agree, besides, 21 hours “fresh” water is nothing to offer anyone, not even a dog.
They live quite high up. If Mr. FOO went out the window he will not be coming back…
It would be quite a profitable night if he puts his sex tool to work
And clearly will be awarded top1 of VH best lovers.
Staat een vliegenraam voor het venster , kan niet vallen
problem is if this dog is still a baby. becomes a teenager, or grows up, and he starts testing who’s the boss? then it gets interesting?
I don’t believe Medea would do anything except with her boyfriend Sawyer
that boring git sawyer , waste of time he is,
VHTV hopes for more… the preview shows the bedroom all the time …