I know he’s not to everyone’s liking but yes I must admit, I have enjoyed various times watching Poppy.
I thought I remembered you saying that is why I tagged you
Yes indeed. Thank you.
I was away from all cameras for a little while just now so I wasn’t aware of who was where, quite honestly.
No problem mate
Do you remember Poppy’s bright yellow hair?! My goodness that was …(how shall I put it?) … distinctive, to say the least!
I do I was watching a old Nikki video from her old 2019 apartment where poppy lived with her he had that hair then
Yep that’s it!!!
Happy days (mostly).
EDIT: I didn’t realise until I took a second look, what else was in that picture.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Dennis & Eleanor
dineska et coquelicot
dineska and poppy on the pc
dineska and poppy on the pc
I have no idea what you are talking about… At that time nothing out of the ordinary happened in that place.