Crazy House

Well, just now I’m seeing what happened in the various apartment, yesterday I was off line, and I was very surprised, I was not expecting what happened, I did not quite understand what happened, but I was with a view even if it is general, of what happened here.
There must have been a conversation between Dobby and Kartos, which was unpleasant, and since I don’t understand the language, (and I think a lot of the people here) didn’t know the content of the conversation, then later with the _____ Dobby went into drama mode, and Kartos reacted in the worst possible way, and no excuses, and that could have ended in treagédia, the rest has been all talked about here.
There should have been someone who acted firmly with Kartos, it didn’t.
Now there is a lack of serious conversation with managers and out of
cameras among all, to analyse and decide actions.

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I have outlined the version of events above

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Fortunately there were a couple that were animated, just as well,

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I just can’t understand why they let Kartos back after his violent episode with Dobby last night, it could have led to serious injury. He should have been removed from the house immediately. this is disappointing from this manager. :-1:

No surprise really, VHTV have demonstrated time and time again that violence and bullying is acceptable in these apartments.

heavy d__g use

VHTV did its part, they put the place offline and possibly fined them for what they did. it’s the manager who needs to do his part and deal with the problem, He could simply ask that guy to leave the house, but he has chosen to let him stay, IMO what he did was gross misconduct and he should not get a second chance after that.

Unless I am mistaken, the managers work for VHTV so they one and the same to me.

i never saw a lot last night ,i only saw what happen in the garage ,i know Dobby was very upset the pick push her in there thats not on ,but she does look a bit more happy now

@VHTV_James Why did you not say to the managers to remove Kartos?
And please dont say that you dont have a say in it.

looking at her live she still looks upset ,i hope she be ok

i think they need to see if Dobby is OK ,

She is not _____, the dramatic actress mode is deactivated

She is ok for now, but she won’t be safe in there as long as that idiot lives there.

thats true ,can you not get rid of the pick can they not call the police

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Looks like all the kids have been grounded and confined to their rooms. The place continues to live up to it’s name. Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

maybe it’s like a house of cards, remove Carlos and his girlfriend will leave with him, their friends will leave with them, and maybe other residents. Nobody knows for certain what kind of relationship there is between them. They even keep Jason

He & his girlfriend can leave, nobody will miss them.when Emil & Stayls come back we will have the full house with Frida & Foster.

So lets get ready for another night of drama… Most interesting thing will see what swimsuit in sauna they will wear tonight :joy: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

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I hope he takes his terrible bath gowns with him :rofl: