It’s the usual situation where she wants to be only friend and the guy wants more… He keeps pushing and she keeps _____ing…
the result
It’s the usual situation where she wants to be only friend and the guy wants more… He keeps pushing and she keeps _____ing…
the result
they have a very difficult relationship, he loves her, but she treats him like a friend, the last time only he stayed and listened to her whining in the kitchen
So she should avoiding him as he clearly can’t deal with the situation…
blue described it like that last time
true I remember that scene…
Well but she isn’t helping also… There is a time that you need to show and act according the way need to solve the problem
they can’t _____ together, because when he gets _____ and she gets _____, they start to sort out the old relationship you don’t love me but why don’t you love me? I love you
It’s like a reference to the movie The Diamond Arm. Do you respect me? I respect, but I will not _____
That ■■■■?
preparing for the Kama Sutra
looks like 3 men there want in her pants dobby is clearly the center of attraction, drama etc
Nothing will happen in the end… With a bit luck a fuck behind closed doors…
there will be no orgies and no change of partners either, you see what scenes of jealousy guys and girls do to each other
Sure. I think there will be big fight one day and place offline…
if Jason is freed from his seat and put a new pair of swingers there
Perfect, no need of that
Swinger couple without other swingers is like car with three wheels
Jason to evict or move a new couple?
this is not for the action, as you said for the great battle
I don’t mind Jason being there… He’s there for some reason they know and for me it’s less 3 cams on the usual follow