She is awesome, but the guy could do better.
Just use VPN for registration. For premium you didn’t need VPN. I tested when I was in Ukraine
when you signed up you don’t need a VPN, even if you are not a premium
Заплатил и заходи откуда хочешь)
it was you who came to visit them
не заплатил и заходи откуда хочешь, что бы заплатить они для начала должны убрать черные квадраты малевича, которые портят всю картину
Different people. Ex participants and good friends of mine
sorry that Aisha left the project
Yep. She was hot
in some houses, the guys win back 200% and the girl lies on a log, in this house the opposite is true;) This is called variety
they have the same time zones, which means the country is one, they could come to the party in a crazy house;)
А у меня претензия, что девушка сама почти ничего не делает)
Don’t make is head swell anymore then it is now
There is a black hole in the garage
And the sauna disappeared
Is Dr.Raj Koothrappali there with his telescope
Wow how much action are we going to miss there
So off topic got a little insight on Barbie and gang. Apparently G&S K&B we’re going to share the same place. And D&K will not be coming back for a month or two EXCUSES!
And then misleading info that those 2 couple will be living separately ha ha
Gotta love it . Coming back soon… too a place near you!