Crazy House

She is awesome, but the guy could do better. :wink:

Just use VPN for registration. For premium you didn’t need VPN. I tested when I was in Ukraine

when you signed up you don’t need a VPN, even if you are not a premium :wink:

Заплатил и заходи откуда хочешь)

it was you who came to visit them :joy:

не заплатил и заходи откуда хочешь, что бы заплатить они для начала должны убрать черные квадраты малевича, которые портят всю картину

Different people. Ex participants and good friends of mine :wink:

sorry that Aisha left the project :frowning:

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Yep. She was hot :fire:

in some houses, the guys win back 200% and the girl lies on a log, in this house the opposite is true;) This is called variety :joy:

they have the same time zones, which means the country is one, they could come to the party in a crazy house;)

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А у меня претензия, что девушка сама почти ничего не делает)

Don’t make is head swell anymore then it is now :joy:

I am loving the new garage view, hell we miss so so much :upside_down_face:

There is a black hole in the garage :joy:

And the sauna disappeared :wink:

Is Dr.Raj Koothrappali there with his telescope :rofl:

Wow how much action are we going to miss there :rofl:

So off topic got a little insight on Barbie and gang. Apparently G&S K&B we’re going to share the same place. And D&K will not be coming back for a month or two EXCUSES!
And then misleading info that those 2 couple will be living separately ha ha
Gotta love it :blush:. Coming back soon… too a place near you!

I think that the most boring tenant in the house voted weekly by the viewers in a poll should get the privilege to s___p here for the week. :stuck_out_tongue: