Crazy House

I don’t know she was brought hot dancing in just her bra& panties!

It works great too, and it not only translates the post you are reading, but every other post in the thread that isn’t in English. :+1:

I still think it’s ridiculous naming a house Crazy House and participants wear clothes in sauna and sex is always in bedrooms behind closed doors.

I know I repeat myself but that’s not what I expect from such a place.

Dobby is interesting for now but the sex with the Estas guy will become the norm and it will become boring.
Just like K&K and E&S already did. Frida & Foster only in the dark so I am not interested in them.

Sorry I have better things to do as watching girls dancing in bikini. There are hotter and better quality vids from that in YouTube if you want to watch that :stuck_out_tongue:

well, if only the process itself is interesting, then there is nothing to do, and if the dramas that unfold here like in house 2, then it is quite interesting, it was especially last night;)

Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today?

Yes, I agree, after some time Dobby will not interesting like others in the house.

Nope I slept really well. I just wanted to say my opinion.

кстати парня уже с ушибленной рукой видели? Он там живой?

Неа, мне же тоже надо спать) просто посмотрел секс, ожидал большего и еще имитацию заподозрил, эх)

вот пока ты спишь все самое интересное и происходит :joy:

Well I think she’s hot. But without some progress in that house people will lose interest…

разве вчера была не интересная драма? Возможно она хорошая актриса :wink:

I think that the couple Klara & Kartos, are genuine, they show what they really feel is what it seems to me, they don’t imitate, in relation to initiative during sex, without a doubt Klara in 1st place.

Well I used to call that place kindergarten but that’s maybe a bit too easy. So let me tell my opinion a bit more detailed.
I thought Emili & Stayls are the ones most important in there as they are first seem to have the most potential to make progress there.
But now as they are gone for vacation I don’t miss them one bit and reading the comments here nobody really does.

Klaro & Kartos are just a normal couple with nothing special to show so these are the ones I lost interest in first.

Jason is just a waste of space. I don’t think anybody will argue with me about that :wink:

Dobby is the one keeping the place alive at the moment. Time will tell how she will develop. It’s not good to see she likes to do some drama mostly for nothing (crying about totally not important things) as I read here. She is really hot and her boyfriend? seems to be okay too. I think it would be interesting to see her developing with more open minded people around her.

Frida & Foster staying in E & S bedroom are just the same thing with the difference they fuck without lights. Not interested in them. They don’t improve that place at all.

The other guests there are just hanging around getting _____ and adding nothing to the place. With one word useless… Just like in Kazantip house.

So I would replace E & S, K & K and Jason with more open minded people and see how Dobby develops around them.

They are the most boring ones of the two couples there. Waste of space when you ask me.

as far as I heard there was a talk about her birthday yesterday because of this she put on a drama one of them

As I said drama queen. Reminds me a bit of Faye. Hot body, hot sex but making big drama about everything…

I don’t share the same opinion regarding the couple Klara & Kartos, I think they are also giving us good and intense moments, I like them, but that’s my opinion, regarding the rest maybe

Today I take my hat off to you, jabbath. It cannot be explained better. :rofl:
I hope the useless manager reads it.