she is now not in the right state to be alone, this can lead to even greater hysteria, girls like to wind themselves up
This is typical woman’s nature the guy is in friend zone exactly )
Why? I thought the guy was troubling her. she seemed happy before he started yelling at her.
it was jealousy
in the deep friend zone
yeah agreed the guy is doing some form of meditation… with Dobby you need to be strong otherwise you go insane …
if you are using Chrome ( it might work with other browsers too ) right click on an empty space and choose " translate into english "
that’s right to the point
Of course, I mean he caused the drama in the first place.
So, that’s interesting that russian houses watches foreign people and here a few count of russian premium viewers )
he doesn’t want to be in the deep friend zone
Thanks a lot!
Yeah, he’s been trying hard to get into her pants but obviously she is not interested in him that way. she doesn’t even want to kiss him. but his persistence might finally pay off.
realm Сapo, they have to guess the word by gestures, but without knowing the language it is not clear what is happening in kitchen
It means he is really in deep friend zone, feel bad for him…
это крейзи хаус, жизнь без сценария, но без сценария получается эпичнее чем со сценарием
I thought there was a geographical lock on Russia hence we have very limited number of Russian viewers here.
vpn has not stopped anyone yet;) Example in Ukraine, Russian resources are blocked;)
Без сценария мы видим некую форму Дом-2 без ведущего) секс, вечеринки и личные драмы)
я в некоторых квартирах видел как родители приезжали, так что это дом 2 только в другой обвертке