Crazy House

dont forget the hall… this place got lot of it…

Cam5 they tried to fix it but still too far left

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Thank you.

Entrance door on cam27. Let’s see how much hiding outside there will be…

Wow, a big Mac!

those are some nice ta tas

Schuyler was also bathing with t-shirt on, first day as far as I remember; it might be new drift at vh :wink:

Crazy House… Nude House… then?

Is this guy not Stephanies friend? The guy who got friendzoned, I dont remember what timezone they were in.

For sure not…

Same timezone. So could be…

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Not what? :thinking:

Just some more kids here… Would be surprised when they do hot naked parties…

No nude house. Kids too shy…

Probably yes

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No I meant before we had “nude house”, now “crazy house”. Next? :rofl:
