most of the times it’s this one or the one on the opposite side. I guess it’s because people are watching Dobby on their timeline and it adds to the total view number of that cam.
I noticed that with only that cam too and asked support if there is some kind of bug or glitch. But they said all good.
My guess is that this house doesn’t work very well on these cams on previews thing. As it happened already in the past with the living room cam being there for hours (including the top6) and nothing was happening there or happened to be checked on timeline in “high scale” while live at other cams was top action
this person got a mask on, its Katia,
because she is the best there by far
I suspected that too. But I asked support and also Kaya checked. Nothing unusual or buggy. So it got double checked and I think all good.
Not quite sure about this realm, but that’s normally what’s happening when you see an empty room as the first cam or on top views. looks like the algorithm adds up all views of a cam wether viewers are watching live or on timeline at any given time to select the most viewed (active/top ) cam.
from day 1 i was thinking that Dobby is the best ,but then noone knew that Dobby was a girl
You are right, her beauty stood out before we even knew her name
Guess that 80 minutes later is obvious that something isn’t working correctly
Dobby came back and is crying bitterly her friends are trying to nelp
@Sparkles the active cam has been switched to cam 15 it is working just fine
Why is Dobby crying ? is she _____ ?
She arrive pissed/crying from the street and went to bedroom. Kartos noticed and called Klara and follow to their bedroom
But now it make sense… There was “activity” there, in that specific cam. They are even on “top2”
It’s more then 2 hours of a “empty” cam on previews when there was a lot of things going on, not even the first time it happen here
Now she is back in her happy mood
yeah drama finished and back to _____ing