Crazy House

I live in England place like this would cost around half a million or even more lucky person who got this house ,do you know where it is

you must have lots of money

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Your house or parents house?
You call that a normal house eh, wow, would hate seeing anything less standard than that :rofl:

Our house. Belongs to my grandparents and me

Lucky lad then eh :+1:

Dobby has the luckiest shower head.

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lovely pictures .but i think we should take her phone away every time she looks at it makes her look sad

now thats what i call a great body

What a change from Dobby being so shy at the beginning, now she shows us her great body with confidence :heart_eyes:

yes you are right, out of all the girls in this house she stands out to be the best one ,truly she got a lovely body

you can keep Faye ,I got Dobby for myself

Fixing cam

Hat aber nicht lange gehalten…

Девушка действительно неплохая, тело не для любителей худышек, но в форме. Может действительно одна из лучших на сайте. А вот секс там как по той же формуле проходит (порядок поз), причем как всегда парень делает большую часть действий, а девушка сверху мало участвует.

sorry can not understand what you have posted

no sex for dobby last night

Noldus (Dobby) in Norway :wink:


Are you referring to Dobby? she is fabulous. I would rate her just above anyone right now…I think she even tops Amelie & Tessa
just in her seductive ways.can’t wait to see more of her.
and BTW I thought she rode him pretty good :joy: