Crazy House

Thanks @Sparkles for clearing that up for me :hugs:

Can you tell us how this place got its name :rofl:

No idea… Probably with the same stupid idea that get that name for “naked house”
Seems that there is an issue with houses with many tenants, so they have to choose ridiculous names for it :grin:

These big houses already have to deal with the bad site usability/design that goes completely against them when compared with smaller places (viewers lose a lot of time scrolling up and down to check and search for them) when an apartment have more then 14-15 cams (+/-) and with these clickbait names makes everything worst for them

The manager will file for bankruptcy so we will not have to bitch about this place much longer.

Just saw a lovers tiff between k & k, then they left the bedroom and it took me ages to find them again.

Basically it’s only the 1st and 3rd top posters here bitching about it And a exclusivity with a big worry with manager money :grin:

A Big Brother show would be more entertaining than here :rofl:

Looking back along the timeline, I think the catalyst for that may have been the fat _____ bird who came and woke Klara about 6am maybe to dob Kartos in for having the TV off the wall downstairs. Klara woke with a start and things went downhill from there.

That Jason guy did ever something worth mentioning in that place?
And the most excited thing from Dobby was a shower yet?
I would replace these two first there. Put in more open minded people who can losen up the other ones…

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Good morning guys and gals, good to see everyone getting on so well this morning :+1: :grin:

Mornings. Hope you have a nice Monday :+1: :wink:

No, I like Dobby :grin: just concentrate on Jason for your campaign :grinning: He can go s___p somewhere else :laughing:

But besides looking hot Dobby is just plain boring…

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have you seen her boobs ? :rofl:

Yep. But still she is boring. Hot body but not put into use… Simply not suitable for the project…

I prefer girls who know how to party and how to fuck over girls with a hot body being plain boring

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you have no patience :grin: sometimes it’s more exhilarating when a girl who is a bit shy and reserved does something a bit naughty. :yum:

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I am pretty damn sure Dobby has her fun outside and we won’t see anything naughty from her. Sure we can wait. Let’s see how long they can wait when first payment comes. :joy:
Wonder how they distribute it. At the moment I would say:

  • 55% Emili & Stayls
  • 43% Klara & Kartos
  • 2% Dobby (Quite generous for one shower :joy:)
  • 0% Jason (They should charge money from him for only s___ping and doing nothing)
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I personally have no interest in anyone but Dobby in this realm. the couples are ok, but they are average looking and there is nothing special about their sex, Jason is also irrelevant as he only s___ps there. so whenever I check this realm I only check Dobby’s room or the common area to see where she is :grinning: from the comments here I can see many others are only interested in her too. so not sure if 2% is a fair share as she attracts a lot of interest. of course it’d be nicer if she loosen up a bit and be more " Uninhabited " :sweat_smile:

I’m totally with you on that. I want to see where it goes with her. I’ll get bored of her eventually if I think she’ll never open up, but it’s way to early to know yet. This whole house is new, hopefully they loosen up a little over time.