Crazy House

how do you want them to find time with all these pursuits? :laughing:

If I were the administrator, I would confis__te their cigarettes and a_____l, turn off the electricity in their living room, and drive them back to the room. Hahaha

especially not ! It would f___e them to think. Too dangerous for their little brains :wink:

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Ooooop sorry

Wrong Topic :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the time marker, nice couple of sessions from them

Looks like Dobby is packing her things up. Question is - is she traveling ( doesn’t look to me as she has packed up most things), or is she moving room/ appartment or maybe getting her own appartment with Estas together or leaving the project overall which would be a shame, maybe she was planning g all along only to stay one month… we shall see

if i can ask .do you know what Dobby is studying she looks like to be working on something

Yeah, I know what you mean, I have seen that too, unfortunately I have no idea :roll_eyes:

Dobby left with a lot of her things, she didn’t have much anyway, she put Ted in the wardrobe, it doesn’t look like she will be gone for good but certainly will be away a few days at least id think.

She did a lot of study yesterday so clearly has something to do that requires been somewhere else.

Hope she will be back, this place will be a dead loss without her.

she be with me for a bit until the new year ,we be fucking everyday I let you know when she comes back LOL

yes I followed her also closely. She didnt pack up everything e.g. her Tedday, a jacket which she wears a lot when she is home etc. I tend to agree that she will be back, the more so she also left very quietly today without saying goodbye to anybody else. My guess is that maybe this week she has some exams which she needs to attend to in person or where she has access to a real laptop. She is still very young so she either goes to a professional school or to university. Maybe this is also the reason why she participates in the project to earn money also for her school/ studies. My guess is now that she is gone for the whole week ( Mo to Fr) and maybe back next weekend. I also agree without her you can put that whole house in the s__t hole - she is the only one i am following, as said before it would be great if she could get with Estas and maybe one more couple her own appartment. But not easy I think crazy house is located in the Ukraine, whereas most other appartments are located in Russia…

A cam in the (empty) garage? It’s just, well, crazy!

They go in there often to smoke

Now that Dobby is gone, there is no longer any need to go to this place… :neutral_face:

Lia is now the most interesting tenant :stuck_out_tongue:


agreed but she will be back hopefully

Even Emili and Stayls seem to be missing, only the lounge around all day in a robe couple are present and Jason to s___p.

All activity is none existant.

The Bath Robe Gang is rocking again… NOT :rofl: