I really enjoy watching Dobby in the shower, relaxed, uninhibited, everything is done naturally, even in the shower she has sensuality.
Very nice
As there is no more interaction between them at all why not just move them to three different places, kick Jason out and bring more open minded in the house?
The way it is now having a house makes no sense…
There is interaction, but as you don’t watch the place you don’t see it.
They don’t need to change anything here in case they found that “open minded” people. Surely the manager will open another place for that group
It doesn’t make sense from minute 1 that they opened that.
The end of the realm we already know what it will be.
Don’t you think Dobby & Estas would do better in a normal apartment?
As long as they keep the house I am okay with that
What interaction, discussing who can wear the worst bathrobe for the day?
Why? I don’t even know if Estas want to be part of the project. There is nothing that prevents that, if it’s their desire
Of course not… hiper mega orgies all the time
Was just an example. You could also ask my question about E&S or K&K. Only Jason might be different. He could break Katias s___ping record in an own place
Fuck I have a real dirty imagination and I DO NOT see that
Guess he either drank too much or not enough today
Not one drop today as went for the 3rd booster shot
How are you feeling? The mind control from the micro chips they implanted you already working?
Jabs has pretty much been talking of getting them replaced since near the start of the place.
No but I now get free 5G everywhere I am.