Crazy House

Lol they all won’t last long there

Bored Bugs Bunny GIF by MOODMAN

Maybe they bring in a puppy to get the viewers to like them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

it is obvious Dobby really avoids any contact with anybody else in the house. even smoking she goes alone. On top her toe fwhere she stepped in the glass seems to be i felted a bit as she put bandage etc… not surprised as she didn’t clean it right away. I feel for her she seems quite sad etc. this is not a situation which can last long…hopefully all tenants can soon get along again

Happy family :rofl: :rofl: :man_facepalming:

Discussing how they can get some Vodka and _____ it without being seen :upside_down_face:

Well sitting around all day doing nothing for sure won’t earn them any money

You seem to forget how low the VHTV entertainment standard has sunk

First good step… that they talk again to each other !!! Good… If they want to earn money they need to find a way to co-exist… you dont need to be friends to make money it helps but not absolutely necessary… curious to see how mature they are all in the end after this episode.

until you _____ enough vodka :laughing: i think

Dooby really seems to have problems with her toe, seems to be more seriously infected, she needs proper medicine a_____l to put on the wound and then put a bandage on it and leave it alone for 1 to 2 days… and she needs to keep her feet clean otherwise she will run into further trouble

medical a_____l is not allowed, even a_____l vapors can provoke her, she will sniff it and that’s
better ointment for wounds and bruises

I can tell you if you get it… i am german and have to go to France for it to get it without prescription… medical a_____l is the best against smaller infections… it would be ideal… it has saved me many times and so I didnt need to go to the doctor

It is intended for the regeneration of damaged tissues of the upper layer of the epidermis and mucous membranes. The d__g is included in the group of blockers of the development of purulent and necrotic processes, is an antibacterial and disinfectant. It is actively used in modern medical practice. - this is Levomikol ointment

this is what all the Germans who cross the French border say, but traders are not fooled. It’s for my toes … my ass! It’s to empty the bottle in your throat, liar! :laughing:

You _____ that stuff, you die :pensive:

Except if you are german ou russian ! :wink:

not true, there is ethyl a_____l and, methyl is deadly

before it was banned, the ancients bought 90% a_____l but it was to make Pastis!

Rubbing a_____l is very dangerous to consume at any quantity . Massive ingestion is especially risky and can cause depressed cardiovascular function, internal b___ding, organ damage, shock, and even death.