Cooper & Charlize

Unfortunately, very few people in Russia in general understand what violence or r__e is. There is no education on this subject. And there won’t be in the near future. We explain as best we can. But not everyone gets it :frowning:

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Recordemos que lola hizo lo mismo que charlize hace un tiempo atrás, esperaba que avisaran de la chica la preparo y todo y no pasó nada con ellos más que sacarlos del aire unas horas, la chica estaba muy borracha no quería sexo pero la estaban obligando ese lugar debió ser cerrado igual, considero que deben ser justos con todos.

I think you have just shown that there are limits.
For a short time, the “mood” arose that everything doesn’t matter because of the money.

Similar to the saying: “The ruble must roll …”

Maybe a tough approach will show all managers/participants that there is a 0 Tolleranz policy here.

I can only speak from my Finance & Contracts division. There were mild penalties for contract fraud. It was partly cheaper to cheat, as the penalties were played loosely.

Then harsh penalties were introduced and not held back from firing one of the top 3 without notice including freezing of all salaries.
Suddenly, the shop was clean, which everyone was watching, that there were no complaints.

Yeah I remember that, the outcome of that was really disapointing, it’s why I made a concious decicion to not follow them anymore, prior to that, they were one of my favourite realms.

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Im glad the right decision was reached and i hope things work out for the girl i am now moving on

Unfortunately some people can only understand if it happens to them.

she is safe? Have the security f___es been informed? I I wonder If you or the parties agree that this is r__e, what kind of way was or will be followed?
If it is true ,this cannot be ignored. Are judicial authorities being contacted in such cases?

You know too little about how “law and order” services work in countries like Russia. If you call the police to that apartment, the most harmless thing they will do is simply not come. In the worst case scenario, they will additionally r__e everyone there themselves. It’s sad for me, because this is my country, but unfortunately, there is a cult of violence there.

I agree that managers should bear some responsibility. Alex for me is not a good role model (Anna not so sure, but they come as a pair). And I’m going to say it, if he was there, I’m not sure he would have stopped it, in fact he probably would have joined in.

I can’t believe how can this happen? In short, you said that there is a justice system that is blind and deaf.
In this case, I think your action would be to just send them from the project.


But it’s not up to her to stop it. It’s on the boys to do the right thing in the first place.

Not really - she’s doing an excellent job of fabricating cases against opposition figures.

That’s probably what’s going to happen.

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Фемида всегда почему то поворачивается задом в самый не подходящий момент :frowning:

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I guess the justice of this platform is audiences.It is a pity that it is not under government guarantee.If the Russian justice system is as you describe, it is much sadder.

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The boys had no intention of doing the right thing, they were going to do it any way. If people were to just shut up, turn a blind eye, do nothing, stick their heads in the sand or or whatever, a___e of innocent people would go on unabated and without any consequences.

It was the same here in Poland twenty years ago, and slowly things are changing, although the government does its best to keep us in the stone age.
I had a friend who fell as___p on the trolley bus _____ and the Police took him to the countryside and beat him up, putting him in a coma for three weeks and they were never held accountable.

We have enough stories like that to fill all three volumes of War and Peace :frowning:

Unfortunately,Judicial decisions are made according to individuals. If you do not have strong people behind you or you are not strong, the justice system will not work in this world.

Dude, there were four volumes, come on.

Why is it that they feel they can f___e their will upon someone! the problem is when they travel to US or some other place and still feel that this okay. They get arrested and cannot understand