Cooper & Charlize

Should rename this place “The Stud and the Dud”

Or quick draw and misfire. :rofl:

Welcome back boys … good session.

Why this appart is most time empty ?

People have jobs. Looking at Cooper’s fingernails I would say he’s a manual worker. Therefore he’s out in the daytime. Don’t know about Carl.

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Wish someone would post some pictures of that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

bbc pbs GIF by Sherlock


Logic I saw other appart always staying home :smiley: for that reason I asked but totaly agree with you :slight_smile:

Berg and Freya seem to have jobs too. it varies from apartment to apartment. A lot of apartments are most active in the evenings. ( their timezone ). :slightly_smiling_face:

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She may be in school.

Carl brought one more new girl. This appartment is a parade of hot chicks !

Hmm? There are chicks there? Huh.
Confused Trailer Park Boys GIF

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Is Cooper related to Stifler by any chance?

Charlize telling Cooper “no way to fuck her without condom”.

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Just lifted her hand and pointed, no arguing which is good.

and then 5 mins later he fucked them both without !