Should rename this place “The Stud and the Dud”
Or quick draw and misfire.
Welcome back boys … good session.
Why this appart is most time empty ?
People have jobs. Looking at Cooper’s fingernails I would say he’s a manual worker. Therefore he’s out in the daytime. Don’t know about Carl.
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Wish someone would post some pictures of that
Logic I saw other appart always staying home for that reason I asked but totaly agree with you
Berg and Freya seem to have jobs too. it varies from apartment to apartment. A lot of apartments are most active in the evenings. ( their timezone ).
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She may be in school.
Hmm? There are chicks there? Huh.
Is Cooper related to Stifler by any chance?
Just lifted her hand and pointed, no arguing which is good.
and then 5 mins later he fucked them both without !