Cooper & Charlize

What about to name her Oriana?

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Ok for me… I was more thinking in something starting with C to make it easier the reference, but seems they will have enough fuck material to run all the alphabet letters

I tried for C but no name came in my head :joy:

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What about Carla :joy:

How about Cerys?

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Intersting name. But why not? I remember there is a star with that name :wink:
So Cerys it will be :+1:

We had soooo many Carlas already :joy:

I stop using my names database long time ago ahah, i check for names on google

Cool, will use that one as it’s free on names

will be the one selected for “tomorrow” visits :grin:

Really? I thought we already had many of them? :joy:

Where?? guess on your imagination :grin:

I am sure there was a Carla. She was together with a psycho guy called Arnie

That was Karla

Damn mistook C with K :stuck_out_tongue:

Router arrived

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offline? because cams dont work.

They have to disconnect the router to install the new one.

I keep looking at that wallpaper in the hall and thinking ‘Indiana Jones and the temple of doom’. :cowboy_hat_face:

Hope it is a better bit of kit.

Technical maintenance.

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Switching it off and then on again. Taking pleasure in peeling the static cling protective plastic off, because that’s the best part of any new tech. Then squinting at the numbers that are printed too small in
a really crappy typeface, and scratching heads as they try to figure out if those are threes or eights. they could be there until midday with that one.

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