Cooper & Charlize

I don’t think that it is illogical at all. If that is a way of registering his protest, then let him. It seems from my observation, that those who are in favour of keeping this realm open, want those who don’t to keep quiet, and that is wrong.

Para mi si esta mal, cuando uno no tiene nada bueno que decir es mejor callar, por que para opinar al menos hay que saber lo que esta ocurriendo en lugar, y si no lo estas viendo entonces para que opinar sobre algo que no quieren ver y que no ven, apuesto todo mi dinero a que aun siguen mirando el lugar.

People are not always going to have good things to say, it happens every day on this forum, and to say they should remain silent is just completely wrong. Without opposing views, you don’t get any debates, and some of them are great, why is that a problem for you?

Por que llevan semanas discutiendo lo mismo y las mismas cosas sin decir nada nuevo, creando sus propias conspiraciones y sin avanzar en el tema, ese es mi problema pero de igual manera me da exactamente lo mismo lo que hagan los demás, cada uno sabe como se amarga la vida no me meteré en eso, hasta aquí llego yo con mi opinión tengo cosas que haces y una vida con la cual continuar, saludos y que tengas un gran día o noche, no se de donde provenga.

Yes Coopers friend oddly enough never masturbates by himself only with Cooper and his girlfriend from time to time.


Bring him a _____ semi-unconsious girl and he will get an erection instantly. It is a tradition in this realm… And it sure will be featured by VHTV in top moments!

come on, here we go again :wink:

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Honestly, if the realm upsets you don’t watch it. going by the comments since the incident happened, you can tell they have really retreated into themselves. Charlize especially has withdrawn. I fully understand, they feel that they do anything beyond boring normal life and the they will get reported again.

I don’t condone or defend what happened, but it’s over, move along. I am sure they either read or get feedback from here, maybe some positive comments would help them back out of their shells.

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I said straight away after they came back, this house would turn into a nunnery.
Pretty much has when they are facing life without a_____l and being under scrutiny.

I find it funny that cooper needs to jerk off after sex to porn and charlize licking his balls so he can cum. Obviously he doesn’t realize how good he has it with her!


You know, 3 times a day for a year, that’s 1,000 times. He innovates differently. But with a condom, he could have taught Charlize to swallow! You see, Cooper is not that bad!

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With new apartments coming on board and drama’s happening in others, why would anyone want to watch this apartment when there is so much else to keep viewers entertained.The place will never be the same again because it will forever be tarnished by what happened here.

Anyone know who the youngster is with C&C from the start? Does it help pay the rent? is he family?
What is he doing here!? What is the “project”? Everyone is looking for Charlize’s boobs, fuck that asshole!

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90% of the current appartments had nothing interesting to see

Maybe in your view, others may have found something interesting, don’t forget, we all have different tastes and interests.

Certainly. Minorities have the right to find interesting games of Monopoly, cartoons, video games, hours in a sofa with their iPhone, …
We are on VHTV and not on Disney Chanel or Meetic.
Those who wait for sexual action (the huge majority), also have the right to express that it pays for 10% of active flats.

:sweat_smile: :joy: :sweat_smile:

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Will Anna be back soon ? she’s just the best. Still remember her doing 4some.