Cooper & Charlize

What are you talking about, they r__ed that girl, according to the CEO they are r____ts!

Ok, this one is not familair to me, didnt see that text.

But hey, we dont know ALL the facts, so lets not judge!

But my personally opinion? If its true the girl is realy r__ed, the realm should be down forever. But I can not judge about that, because I dont know all the facts.

Well the CEO judged them to have r__ed her.

according what you quoted, yes.

Those are his words

And their punishment is 3 months without a_____l, and the managers & the apartment get a fine. He has decided not to take the video footage to the police. The participants will undergo training on how to recognise when consent isn’t given.

In fact he said that what happened was for none of the involved persons unacceptable, in other words, it happens, was some kind of r__e, but they accept it all.
The second he said there is that he spoke with them about sex without actively consent, they didnt argue it and accept that too.
But again, I don’t know what they exactly said, so I cannot fairly judge about.

Fact is that the things which happened made a lot of rumour and lead to the offline situation last week, so something is going on that cannot be accepted.
“Where there is smoke, there must be also a fire” we say in here, so its not a clean situation. I agree.

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Just because the perpetrators didn’t feel that what they did was unacceptable, it doesn’t excuse the fact they r__ed that poor girl. That is not a rumour, it happened, did you see the footage?

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Dies ist mein erster Beitrag. In Deutsch da mein Englisch sehr schlecht ist. (Später mit in Englisch ßbersetzten Beiträgen)
Ich bin vor 2 Wochen auf VHTV aufmerksam geworden und war begeistert. Ich wollte schon ein Abo abschließen habe mich aber entschieden erst mal genauer im Forum umzuschauen da hier erfahrene Leute unterwegs sind. Jetzt muss ich sagen, dass ich nicht mehr begeistert bin. Mit Leuten, die Frauen schlagen, und das vor laufenden Kameras, geht nicht. Außer es sind BDSM Scenen. Was mich aber besonders abstoßt und aufregt sind diese vergewaltiguns Geschichten. Ich werde also momentan kein Abo buchen und erst mal weiter beobachten. Sollten diese beiden Typen hier wiederzusehen sein bin ich endgültig weg.

No, I did not see it, because it happens 10 minutes after I went to bed, and the next day it was removed.
So, I cannot judge about what happened…

Just know that a r__e is always wrong, also in my eyes. I cannot accept r____g persons, and will not accept it any time.
Maybe that reassures you, I am also verry much against r__e!

We have asked for the footage to be restored so that those who didn’t see it can judge for themselves, but that is unlikely to happen. I saw it and I was left in no doubt what happened.

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well they would be back if they accepted the so-called punishment of 1 bottle of ______ a day and no longer r__e
then they would be back online yesterday so far i don’t see the r____ts online yet :smiley:

Would it be a good thing to show that again if it realy was a r__e?

Like I already said:
Just know that a r__e is always wrong, also in my eyes. I cannot accept r____g persons, and will not accept it any time.
Maybe that reassures you, I am also verry much against r__e!

i saw it and in the mids of making a ticket i read on here already 3 persons send one wile refresing the cam to take screenshots as proof they already ware taken down

maybe it is a good plan stil ppl are defending them and try to talk it good if it is up maybe with blockd out face from the girl not c&c and friend then evry one subscribers and participants can see it as an example many people who hesitate to subscribe can immediately see what kind of show they support 46 days left then my sub will expire and will not be renewed as long as vhtv allows r____t on their site

Well, if it raly was a r__e (again, I cannot judge about that), then I will never defend them or try to talk it good. Simple !
My subscription ends in 54 days, Ill see by then what I will do, according what my wallet allows me :wink:
But if they indeed allows r____ts, then that will decide also.

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You say '(again, I cannot judge about that)", the CEO has judged it to be r__e, what more do you need to convince you that r__e took place?

Please go back to the thread here on January 3rd. from 10:20 p.m., there you can see it.

True, but afterwards they told the CEO it was not unwanted.

So, what do I have to think about it all… I dotn know.
Lets say that what happened was not good, lets call it a r__e, but then “not unacceptable” …

I’ll wait what happens next weeks around this. But I agree with all of you this was not acceptable as far as we can judge about it.

I might be missing the part “what she had to do” since i don’t recall it even though her and Juliet days in VHTV are remembered by me preety much