Cooper & Charlize

Judging by your insistence, you know EVERYTHING better than I do.

I agree, though on the other hand could this money be used to buy her silence or get her assurance that she will take this no further?

I know about who i’m talking :wink: I mentioned it after knowing this awful decision in protection of r____ts.
I also said that i could imagine what alex would have done if something similar could had happened to Anna while she was telling repeatedly NO… but hey, lets give them a chance cause it’s not with us or someone that we care

I may be wrong but i think i’m not too far away from the truth when saying that if this had happened with a different manager and in a different apartment the end of the history could be different

In all honesty, I do not believe that she is going to take it any further ( I hope she does ). this way at least she gets some financial support, and they get some real punishment.

@VHTV_CEO А вы с участниками обговорили какой алкоголь можно и в каких пропорциях? Кроме бутылки вина, а если кто-то не пьет вино, к примеру сколько можно пива или шампанского или вермута или вообще сухой закон как было в крейзи хаусе. После введения там сухого закона все увяли и разбежались.

You’re probably right, give her the lot!

They think that you get at least some “justice” (if you can speak of it at all).

I know that your grey hairs and lack of s___p and need for a psychologist arise from the fact that you know that you’re not doing the right thing and these are the ways in which your faulty decisions are manifesting themselves. I’m sure you’ll recover and the guilt with fade away quickly with the help of your fanbase and staff. The justice deserved by this poor girl that of the furture victims of the perpetrators will be on your conscience though. All because you ultimately did not do the right thing.

Indeed! One has to wonder if the consequences would be the same if the girl in question was the CEO’s d______r or sister or m____r. I doubt it!

Self-distilled is not a_____l, but medicine.

In addition, who wants to know if this is a lemonade in the plastic bottle or ■■■■.

Reading above their financial impact now might be even bigger than when the place gets closed.
Maybe next time they will decide differently…

They will just need to make a few visits to fuck charlize as compensation per money loss… Surely she will be waiting for him as part of the education service.
When compared with number of subscribers very few people knows that VH are supporting a place with r____ts, so they will still have a lot of views and money income

The masses will now flock to see what happens next. They will get more views, not less. A handful of people here banning the apt means nothing.

Я тебе открою тайну, можно в пакете от сока сделать отвертку и никто не узнает что ты пьешь не сок. Мы так делали на стадиона на различных матчах или в парках, где запрещено распивать спиртные напитки.

This prohibition of a_____l might be the thing they ultimately stumble upon and what gets them closed.

That is idiotic! All they have to do is pour vodka in a glass or bottle of water. Seriously!

We will discuss the details of this restriction tomorrow.

They just need to say to guests to bring the a_____l inside juice bottles, or them selves prepares that outside the door

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What are you talking about when clearly all they need to do is go outside for a smoke. :wink:

I’ll tell you a secret, you can make a screwdriver in a juice box and no one will know you’re not _____ing juice. We used to do that in stadiums at various matches or in parks where _____ing a_____l is forbidden.