2 blondes going for Golo and Ken?
Who else is available ? . Golo is doing good btw. Just hope he doesn’t pass out
The other one is basically m____ting Ken. If it was the other way round, there would have already been tickets to punish the apt
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The blond from Golo is it the girl from the Medea realm (with Golo and Junior)?
Edit: no she had longer hair.
That is a new girl. Any name suggestion?
Go go junior, is your turn now
Morgana maybe
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Even Junior would have scored on his own tonight with any of these 2 blondes
Well done Golo… very good performance
Like it. I will add her to Wiki soon
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Reese left already?
She told there is no point staying now that Jabbath is out with friends. She will return when you are free