Cinderella, Kerri

Don’t get me wrong, I personally don’t care who Cinderella is with. It’s totally her choice.

I’m more impressed by people who treat every exit of a resident from the realm as an off-camera fuck oblivion.

@NotSeth , you must have developed a real love and affection for Isidor. He is always mentioned by you and even though he has repeatedly failed to make love and there are and have been better lovers on VHTV, you always bring him into play. :rofl: :joy:

zonder foto.
maar het wordt hier echt een grap

Every thing NotSeth says is designed to antagonise or stir the pot in someway

@Cinderella miss lady, you realize that your comments, and what you say to us on this form all you are doing is adding fuel to the fire, because you say one thing, and then you do another whether y’all were together with each other or not he’s there so to say that y’all are done it’s not true so that’s why people say what they say me included because two days ago he left Denises apartment at the same time you left yours and now your bowl show back up at your apartment and like I said before y’all still having sex with Each Other because trust me he’s going to try to have sex with you

All I’m saying is just make it make sense

Isador may consider himself the best “fucker” but he is certainly not the best at making love from what i have observed.

Just let the poor girl live her life. We don’t need explanations for every little thing. People can change their mind, it’s no big deal

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Or the better option for Cinderella is don’t say anything.

That’s true,but just like @Just_In said it might be best that she just doesn’t say anything because every time she says something she contradicts herself, and if she wants us to believe what she saying??

Can we now say that this is Cinderellas truth?

The PERFECT VHTV couple. @Cinderella missed Isidor’s best lover sk__ls! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

I’m starting to believe that the Cinderella that posts here isn’t the same one that lives at realm49 :rofl: :rofl:

Looks like they had a nice time in Vegas :laughing:

Has it occurred to you that she might not actually care what people on a porn form think of her. She is just giving all the complainers the lip service she thinks they want to hear.

Why are you always trying to ruin the good drama… :pleading_face: :cry:

Cheek to cheek 21:27:27 cam5.


I have noticed that her posts do not include the “VHTV Participant” title that I see in other participant posts, unless that can be turned off, like I do with my “Premium Subscriber” title occasionally.

No, she has the participant’s badge on her avator ( small red heart ) .

I’m not saying is someone from outside because the account is validated, but wouldn’t be the first