Why are you explaining why he’s here?
It’s your pussy, give it to whoever you want.
I would even say it’s her decision if she thinks she wants to have sex with Dennis, Isidor, Hannes and some of the guests.
I have the feeling that Cinderella wants to please some users here and said things that will turn out differently later…
yeah you are right
he comes when ever he wants still don’t like him big A_HOLE ,
While I continue to enjoy seeing the beautiful Cinderella & Kerri , and the playful Aya ,
When Isidor shows up I run to another realm!
You could be right about that.
On the one hand, @Cinderella wants to please the audience, but on the other hand, she obviously still has feelings for Isidor and then we don’t know to what extent the management has control over her life.
She basically sits between all chairs…
Isidor is unpopular here in the forum, but I think it brings in viewership and therefore money.
When he is there, he is usually allowed to fuck Cinderella and that exclusively. But he can do anything he wants himself.
Why should he give that up, he would only do that if management, VHTV or Cinderella didn’t want to see him anymore.
Conclusion, I think the story of Isidor is still going on, no matter what some people write here.
Because if she was as angry as she supposedly was when he slept with Lely for the first time, he would have been able to pick up the clothes at the door.
However, there was sex several times afterwards and he didn’t move around the apartment like he was going to be thrown out this evening.
As I said, everyone can live and love the way they want…
Aber vielleicht erinnern Sie sich, dass Cinderella seine Sachen in zwei Tüten gepackt hat. Seltsamerweise hat sie diese kurze Zeit später wieder fein säuberlich ausgepackt und wieder eingeräumt. Frage für mich, war das ihre Entscheidung oder kam die Anweisung vom Drehbuchschreiber?
That is a very perceptive statement which we all should observe.
Вещи по прежнему в сумках стоят в шкафу
Hat sich erledigt
@Alois wieso @Cinderella es gemacht hat, kann ins persönliche gehen. Es kann doch für uns egal sein ob sie ihm schnell verziehen hat oder es eine Anweisung gab, das man Isidor noch bräuchte.
Wenn letzteres der Fall wäre und sie es nun zugeben müsste, was bringt das Ihnen, außer das sie den Stolz und das Ansehen von Cinderella schädigen.
Sagen wir doch einfach sie ist eine liebende gutherziges Mädchen was eben an das gute glaubte.
Lassen wir uns gegeben falls das Märchen …
Es ist manchmal besser nicht alles zu wissen …
Einverstanden, Schwamm drüber und abgehakt
You have to think of your own mental and physical well being. You are a beautiful woman with a big life in front of yourself. What others think, should not effect your decisions…