Cinderella, Kerri

Both girls have lovely legs.

Warum lassen sich diese Frauen auf diesen Typen überhaupt ein, er ist ja nicht hübsch…
Nur wegen dem Geld ???

You do know that @Cinderella is active in this forum too right?

Maybe you should let her decide what she wants in her life!

What is your problem with Isidor? He is cute and nice. And you don’t know the story behind Inga.


Do any of us really know the true back stories of the project participants?

That would mean breaking the rules of privacy!

he has already fucked 2 other girls while he has been with Cinderella you just fell for the love story bulls__t. :joy:

If we write them here, yes… that brake the rules. But if not post here, no rules are v_____ed. It just bothers me that some people speak without knowing and call Isidor “asshole”.

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Wow people’s true colors really start to show when they become upset. No matter how mad we get we should not resort to calling VHTV participants/guests or forum members such things. Isidor may have upset you, but he does not deserve such hateful comments.

@jabbath1987 @kaya this would qualify as abusive name calling would it not?

Unfortunately you are right, I always believe in the positive. I was hoping for a love story. In this respect I am very naive.

I’m saying this nicely if some ppl don’t like what’s going on with this place there other apartments to watch :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: instead of complaining about it move on and Isidor is a human being so please no name calling

С чего вы взяли что 2?

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Most likely for not entirely. However, it certainly doesn’t hurt. :wink

you were on the forum when he fucked the second girl so i just assumed you knew.

Well, there was Inga & Aphrodite on cam. Also, Isidor and Jerry were getting very touchy the night he took her home from JENYADADYA’s. She defiantly wanted to fuck. What they did off cam only those two know…

Нет, я знала только о 1 девушке. А за 2 девушку я сейчас от вас в первые слышу

It’s best to just tell her rather than skirt around the answer. Cinderella will find out now anyway…

Maybe the first girl you just knew each other and you were not a couple yet but by the time he fucked the second girl you were definitely a couple by that time

@Cinderella you can check the VHTV video archives. You will see all the girls Isidor fucked and if you were together at the time or not. That is if you want to find out such things… :anguished:

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