Cinderella, Kerri

Case closed

P.S: In case you don’t know it, Queen and Wayne are NOT participants :slightly_smiling_face:

its none of your business what other people are doing in the pms

Case closed

Probably the same way he got the private information as to when the Cinderella & Isidor realm would open before anyone else.

Case closed!

We closed a lot of cases today. :hugs:

I hope it made @Cinderella happy! :kissing_heart: :kiss:



Why is that guy making a tour at every apartment?

Possibly try out for a Flora placement.

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To fuck them all! It’s what he was hired for I think.

let it go life goes on

He hasn’t put any cent of effort in that labor, then

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The level of stupidity that the boy Isidor has is incredible, as Shakira’s song says, he has exchanged a real Rolex for a Casio or a Ferrari for a Twingo! Cinderella is absolutely, unbelievably gorgeous! She deserves someone who treats her like the true goddess that she is! In this place I need a happy Cinderella and never see Isidor again! And Cinderella, if you decide to leave, I’ll wait for you here to give you all the love you deserve! Lovely!

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Well looks like Isidor has left cinderella. And he has to me put all their friends in the middle of it. Queen Shae and especially xavior/harmony. Since they let him screw her at their apt and didnt say do it somewhere else both of you are friends and we want no part. Also was not the girl isidor left her for a friend too? Wow

Probably playing hard to get. The girls LUV that!

So, @John78 how long until she bags up his s__t and tosses it out the loggia window now?

Cinderella is way to good and educated to do that. We will see what is going to happen.

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With his experience of best lover, this neighbour’s flat will be under cameras and sighing under Isidor in a matter of hours…

Her husband will be able to see her in the future only through the monitor.

She’s doomed.

Non sapete come sono andate le cose e dite le peggio cose su Isidor (guarda caso a un lui).

Isidor better watch out and not try to be rough or threatening with this girl, as she is taller and bigger than him and probably could kick his ass…

Unusually shaped bread (and no I am not talking about the fact that a bite has been taken out of this particular slice) on the young lady’s plate.

It’s very small and rather shallow (top to bottom), compared to a standard loaf, such as we have here, where I live…