Cinderella, Kerri

Jesus christ, if I could go through a screen the Roswell incident would look like a family picnic…

Can not get a better view than this. Fabulous, both of them :heart:

This will now upset a lot of fans…I would send both girls to Tonk or Elon for a week.

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I agree about Elon, but Tonk?? for me personally, he is at the bottom of the lovers list.

You must not look only at the sexual act. Tonk has so much more that would be right up Cinderella’s alley, there’s not a calmer man on VHTV.

Oh, i see what you mean now. And i totally agree with this

Yes, I like the way he talks, cuddles and hugs with his girls for hours. The complete opposite of Isidor’s wild character. And another thing, Tonk very rarely takes his mobile phone in his hands when he is with a girl. I like his character.

for the friends of close-ups … :laughing:


He is much more mature and experienced compared with the very young ones like Isidor and others, it is quite normal i believe

Absolutely true.

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heef er mij maar twee :wink:

Whatever their eating looks so good :yum:

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the new clothes seem to be a bit more complicated …

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Looking good Cinderella as always :hugs:


a picture for @John78

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Wow Cinderella, gorgeous :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Propose Love You GIF by Disney Channel

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A person right now in the red days.

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Lol, that wasn’t there few minutes ago :open_mouth: :crazy_face:

Before there was one beauty, now there are two beauties
