Cinderella, Kerri

Kan je nader verklaren , begrijp het niet goed

It might be a good idea for Cinderella and Isidor to take a step back from VHTV for a short period of time to reflect upon their behaviour towards each other and seek counselling to seek a way forward which will benefit both of them in the future.

I believe that was her stated intention just before the previous drama. Hopefully VH will reach a speedy conclusion.

Thank you for the important update hopefully everything will be resolved quickly. :crossed_fingers:

We hope, but I kind of feel that if he is gone, she is going to be gone

Sounds as if you are suffering from withdrawal symptoms also.

Not so sure. He is unlikely to have his own place. This is the main attraction for these youngsters, plus the pocket money.

Unfortunately, that’s quite accurate. She is on VHTV for Isidor and not for the project. So, without him, i personally massively doubt that she will stay and not follow him (as the things stand at this moment)

Ik weet niet wat ze in Isidor ziet , maar je zal wel gelijk hebben John .
Zal hem hoogst waarschijnlijk volgen : :disappointed_relieved:

Even though I would miss Cinderella, it would certainly be best for her if she left the project.

In the case of Isidore, I fear that he will remain with us unless VHTV bans him.

But just as well, the realm could go back online soon and everything will stay as it is… :crazy_face:

No, I am mean if vhtv ask him to leave then she will leave with him. She is not going to stay on there by herself.

I hope they will as he is a liability for each place he visits. Ticking time bomb. Tenants from other places will soon refrain from inviting him as they do not want to get a fine when he behaves like a prick again.

If he has even a shred of honor in him, he should stick to his recent apology and voluntarily leave the project. So let’s wait…

That would be the right thing and the decent thing to do but we all know he won’t do that because he thinks he has his little thing under control. He thinks he’s OK.

Haben sie vielleicht deshalb Kerri elegant aus der Diskussionslinie gebracht ?

I like your thinking.

If it happens not a problem, few days/weeks after he will be back jumping from realm to realm with his “seduce sk__ls”.
Others weren’t banned and even were promoted and did a lot worse

Well she has already raised the prospect of a trial separation so not so sure.

Yes, she did say that, but it still does not mean that she will stay on this project without him because she came on here because of him

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Seek counselling would be he admit that he have issues, and just like Arnold, that will never happen. Specially with so one with so low self esteem under his hands