Cinderella, Kerri

But of course, if she leaves, he’ll be doing what he’s been wanting to do all the time all along fuck every piece of female pussy that comes through there

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See now he’s probably in the room, texting her, wanting her to come back and probably is apologizing

I am going to say this, and probably rub some people the wrong way, but this is typical of young males, who have not yet lived a full life and think they know everything

Can you believe that she came back? Unreal

yeah, if she survives until later, I think two bouquets solve it and everything goes back to normal

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Probably @kaya needs to look into what happened here with Isidor and Kerri. And later on

That’s why VHTV has managers, supervisors on the Realms. most of them are like pimps… VHTV doesn’t deal with them VHTV may haved be on another planet… & they just collect their shares

That’s exactly what they are. Sad, but very true

I don’t like this either… but it shows they are the ones pushing and don’t Ban anyone

No one is a Saint all over & even more so here… but you can’t have bums too, they are ruthless

You are right crossway we are the one who helps directly or indirectly but everything has a limit, I think, maybe I am wrong but you can’t put brains to these guys Someone should have done this a long time ago.
PS I’ve been here 5 years and this Realm is the worst I’ve seen…

I haven’t been here that long and i can only remember one Realm which was this level or maybe worse : Kazantip House. Both in the same place (City). Anyway, most of the problems that i have witnessed in time are related to this City.

When I was just a viewer I didn’t watch many Realms I used to watch 4-5 which I liked. Now with the pictures I go to almost everyone
I remember this Realm, but I dont remember what was happening there

That place was run by Scott, the most “famous” a___er that has been on this site and i know of (he’s banned now). Basically, d__gs, a_____l and sexual a___es non stop.

part of me is starting to think this was all a show because how can she forgive him so easily and she just happened to be out at the time and even flora was watching…

Unfortunately, it wasn’t any “show”…

ha… ha…!! I Remember now so clear they was 3 Guys 3 Realm after 2 ban they closed 2 of them for Good I don’t know the reason tho… the third one stays for while then Scott, came back with Sabrina for about a year then his new girlfriend became pregnant then they left for good

That was the guy, yes. He actually tried to comeback using a “fake” tenant last summer. Didn’t took long and he’s done it again. That’s when he’s been banned

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if its not a show which i am sceptical because there is some “coincidences” then cinderella is just as guilty as isidor

I kind of agree with you now. I see it the same (about Cinderella i mean)