Cinderella, Kerri

Isidor grabbed him around the neck and pushed him. You can see it in your video…. None of it is right but Cinderella was the one to first initiate the physical part of the argument. Before that it was just talking…

What Cinderella and Isidor must remind themselves of is that what binds them together is stronger than what divides them.

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And Cinderella grabbing Isidor around the neck first is not violent?

Maybe the company went to Flora to continue the party?


Okay, enough internet for me for today… :roll_eyes:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :moneybag:


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Is that a reason to be so aggressive towards his girlfriend, to teach her ■■■■ to her face? How wretched in spirit is this Isidore when dealing with his beloved Cinderella.

Well, this kitchen floor has never been cleaner…

You have no reasons to be sorry :hugs:

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Don’t worry, my sorrow will disappear sooner than it should :smile:


No I said they are both in the wrong. Neither of them should have acted the way they did.

Dus dat bedoel je , een kus geven .
Is bij jouw om de nek grijpen .
akkoord was wel geen kus van liefde

Вашей вины в этом нет не в коем случаи. К сожалению иногда люди делают ошибки из за которых бывает больно и не приятно другому человеку. Но вы не сделали не чего плохого, уж тем более не чувствуйте себя виноватым :heart:


Thank you for that.

And I know how hard is for you. Stay strong.


За шею я взяла не в коем случаи не для того что бы причинить боль Исидору. Нет. Я лишь показала ему то что видела и делала с ним другая девушка. А именно поцелуй. Боль Исидору я не причиню так как это очень не приятно и жестко

Started off as a Kiss and end with a shove by Cinderella… Like I have said neither of them are in the right.

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But it seemed he tried to hurt you by giving you a headbutt and pushing you around.

Вы правы. Мы оба виноваты, я виновата в определенных моментах и Исидор тоже. Мы приняли решение отдохнуть сегодня друг от друга побыть в разных местах и компаниях.


I suggest the next time instead of holding him around the neck for a kiss you instead grab him by the balls. :pinched_fingers: :peanuts:

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So now it will be Isidor and Flora
and Dennis and Cinderella?

I hope after your break is over you will come back together as an even more beautiful and happy couple. :couple: :heartpulse: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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